A New Healer Lyra in Tower of Fantasy 2.2 – Mirafleur Moonshade Updates

Tower of Fantasy LyraTower of Fantasy Lyra

Tower of Fantasy Lyra

Aside from Tian Lang, Lyra is coming to Tower of Fantasy as part of 2.2 Updates!

Level Infinite and Hotta Studio announced another information of Tower of Fantasy 2.2 – Mirafleur Moonshade, which will be released on December 22nd. This version contains a new Mirroria map improvements and a new Simulacrum.

This time, the developer released new information for an update related to the upcoming Tower of Fantasy 2.2. Mirafleur Moonshade will expand Tower of Fantasy Mirroria, a cyberpunk city with a new area.

Some of the places that can be explored are Mirramoon street, Treasured Garden, Aquaria Palace, Coolyland, and a cool place where players can play and play various mini-games.

Lyra Tower of Fantasy Trailer:

In the last post, we introduced a new simulacrum, Tian Lang, but it turns out that he wont be the only one, Lyra, Ms Maidellin’s successor, will also be present with awesome damage and healing abilities.

This update will be available three days before Christmas, and players will receive a variety of appealing gifts related to in-game events such as Dark Crystals, Red Nucleus, Skins, and many others.

About Tower of Fantasy:

Tower of Fantasy is a free-to-play open-world action role-playing game created by Perfect World subsidiary Hotta Studio. The game takes place in the far future on the planet of Aida, which has been tainted with a mysterious but potent radioactive energy known as Omnium following a catastrophe that nearly wiped out human civilization and changed the planet’s biosphere.

The game is released on androidiOS, and PC!

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