Modernia is the new character that comes with the previous NIKKE GODDESS OF VICTORY updates before New Year. Here we will give you a little guide on Nikke new character Modernia, What her strength, Weakness and Skill Explanations!
She is one of the burst type 3 Fire Attacker SSR characters in the game with an awesome kit. Not only is she sexy and beautiful, this primadonna has the most awesome kit that are going to help your game. Here are the guide on Modernia!
Modernia NIKKE GODDESS OF VICTORY Skill Set and Explanation:
Modernia Nikke Guide
Modernia is a new NIKKE Goddess of Victory character that has 3 skill sets, here are the information and explanation:
- The first skill of Modernia, called ‘High Speed Evolution‘, allows Modernia to deal extra damage when it successfully hits an enemy. Additionally, every 200 hits, the player will receive extra crit damage and a reduction in max ammo for faster rotation.
- The second skill of Modernia, called ‘Giant Leap‘, gives a hit rate buff to allies when using Full Burst, and while the buff is active, Modernia will receive a large attack buff.
- Lastly,’ New World‘ is Modernia’s burst skill that increases the duration of Full Burst, and puts it into Destroy mode with unlimited ammo, allowing it to automatically kill enemies within range.
- Modernia is an amazing DPS with burst damage that can deal massive damage to any opponenets.
- Her abilities to have unlimited ammo is very useful against bosses
- She have a buff that differ herself from Scarlet and Harran which is a pure DPS.
- Lack Deffence
- She is an attacker class that don’t have the means to survive without any help from other teammates
- Extend Full Burst Time might be useful, but depending on the team comp it might make your comp suffer
- Auto Player won’t benefit much from Modernia Ultimate Auto Aim
Should You Pull for Modernia?
Modernia Nikke Guide
Modernia is awesome especially since you can burst damage, buff your allies, and can kill all enemies easily, however you might want to pair her up with support and defense and let her go ham.
Other NIKKE Guide:
- Helm, NIKKE Goddess of Victory – Skill, Weakness, Strength and Should you pull her?
- Laplace NIKKE Goddess of Victory Guide – Skill Explanation, Strength, and Weakness
- Rupee, NIKKE Goddess of Victory – Skill, Weakness, Strength and Should you pull her?
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