By Jay / / 2023 Games

Linzy Eversoul is a character within the world of Eversoul, a popular fantasy game. She belongs to the Humanlike faction and is known for her quick wit and clever mind.

According to the in-game Soulpedia, Linzy is a skilled strategist and is often called upon to devise plans and lead her allies into battle. She is highly respected by her peers for her intelligence and ability to think on her feet. In combat, Linzy is a formidable opponent, using her cunning and quick reflexes to outmanoeuvre her enemies.

Despite her tough exterior, Linzy is also known to have a compassionate and caring nature, often putting the needs of others before her own.

Linzy Eversoul Character Profile:

Linzy Eversoul

Linzy Eversoul

Linzy is a member of the Humanlike faction in the game Eversoul. According to the in-game Soulpedia, Linzy is affiliated with the Order of Blackhawk and stands at a height of 165 CM.

Her birthday is on February 5th, and she enjoys hobbies such as appreciating scenery and climbing to high places. Linzy is known for her excellent hunch and has a particular fondness for lilies and herbal tea. However, she dislikes mayonnaise. Jiyoon Park provides the voice acting for Linzy in the game.

Linzy Eversoul Costume:

  • Skylight Afterimage
  • I’ll Fire

Linzy Eversoul Skills:

Main Skill: Avenging Sword

  • Linzy’s main skill, Avenging Sword, allows her to instantly move to the rear of the enemy with the highest attack and deal damage equal to 250% of her attack. If the “Daze” special buff is at 10 stacks or higher, Linzy also deals additional damage equal to 100% of her attack. At level 2, the damage increases to 270% and the additional damage becomes 110%. At level 3, the damage increases to 290%, the additional damage becomes 120%, and the target is stunned for 2 seconds.

Sub Skill: Acrobatic Fire

  • Linzy’s sub skill, Acrobatic Fire, allows her to jump into the air and attack while dodging the enemy’s attack. This skill deals damage equal to 170% of her attack to the nearest enemy and increases Linzy’s evasion by 30 for 18 seconds. At level 2, the damage increases to 190%. At level 3, the damage increases to 210%, and the evasion increase becomes 20 for 6 seconds.

Sub Skill: Blink and You’ll Miss It

  • Linzy’s sub skill, Blink and You’ll Miss It, allows her to instantly cut the nearest enemy, dealing damage equal to 170% of her attack. If the “Daze” special buff is at 5 stacks or higher, Linzy also deals additional damage equal to 90% of her attack. At level 2, the damage increases to 185% and the additional damage becomes 100%. At level 3, the damage increases to 200%, the additional damage becomes 110%, and the skill also decreases the enemy’s defense by 10% for 8 seconds.

Passive: Daze

  • Linzy’s passive skill, Daze, allows her to blind the target who was hit by her attack with its thirst for revenge, causing the target to attack Linzy for 4 seconds while also reducing its accuracy rate by 20. This skill also grants Linzy 2 stacks of the “Daze” special buff that increases her critical damage by 4% every time she evades the enemy’s attack (up to 20 stacks). At level 2, the critical damage of the “Daze” special buff becomes 4.5% and Linzy gains 1 stack of the buff every time she inflicts a normal attack. At level 3, the critical damage of the “Daze” special buff becomes 5%.

Ultimate: Moment of Twisted Fate

  • Linzy’s ultimate skill, Moment of Twisted Fate, allows her to approach the enemy with the highest attack and deal damage equal to 320% of her attack with a series of sword and gun attacks. If the “Daze” special buff is at 10 stacks or higher, Linzy also deals additional damage equal to 100% of her attack and stuns the enemy for 4 seconds. At level 2, the damage increases to 340% and the additional damage becomes 140%. At level 3, the damage increases to 360%, the additional damage becomes 160%, and if the “Daze” buff is at 20 stacks, this skill will always inflict critical hits.

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