Zenonia Chronobreak Gets Its Release Date

Zenonia ChronobreakZenonia Chronobreak

Com2uS Holdings, a well-known gaming company, has just stated in its quarterly financial report that the game is known as “Zenonia Chronobreak,” and with it a little bit of information about its release date. If no problems or challenges arise during the development process, the game is expected to be launched in the second quarter of 2023.

“World Of Zenonia” was previously known as “Zenonia Chronobreak,” an open-world 3D RPG game. The game has undergone some changes, but many popular features from the original Zenonia game, such as the non-targeting combat system, PVP mode, Boss Raids, Cross-Server Battles, and more, will remain in this updated edition.

The Open World MMORPG Game by Com2uS

Fans of the original Zenonia game will be hype since this game will keep many of the features that made it so famous while also bringing new components that will make it even more enjoyable to play. The game will be available on both mobile and PC platforms, allowing users the option of playing as they like.

In essence, “Zenonia Chronobreak” is a widely anticipated game, and Com2uS Holdings is optimistic about its success. If you’re interested, “Zenonia Chronobreak” will be released on Android, iOS, and possibly on the PC platform.

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