Pokemon Masters EX Physical Strike Tier List – July 2023

Welcome to the world of Pokemon Masters EX, where Sync Pairs hold the key to victory. With a vast array of 167 Sync Pairs to choose from, it can be overwhelming to determine which ones truly shine on the battlefield. Fear not, for we have compiled the ultimate Tier List, serving as your guide to the most formidable and strategic Sync Pairs in Pokemon Masters EX.
Whether you’re seeking the cream of the crop or looking for viable options to bolster your team, this comprehensive list will ensure you make the most out of your Sync Pair selections. Prepare to embark on a journey filled with powerful partnerships and strategic battles as we delve into the world of Pokemon Masters EX Tier List.
Pokemon Masters EX Physical Strike Tier List – July 2023
Tier | Sync Pair |
S | Emmet Special (Escavalier) |
Giovanni Sygna (Nidoking) | |
Guzma Special (Buzzwole) | |
Hilda Special (Diancie) | |
Hilda Sygna (Victini) | |
Lana Sygna (Tapu Lele) | |
Lance (Dragonite) | |
Lisia New Year’s ’23 (Galarian Rapidash) | |
Maxie (Groudon) | |
Silver (Ho-oh) | |
Sonia Special (Tsareena) | |
Victor (Rillaboom) | |
A | Bea (Sirfetch’d) |
Blue (Aerodactyl) | |
Brendan (Sceptile) | |
Cynthia (Garchomp) | |
Elesa Palentine ’23 (Togetic) | |
Elesa (Zebstrika) | |
Emma (Crobat) | |
Emmet (Archeops) | |
Gloria (Zacian) | |
Grimsley Sygna (Sharpedo) | |
Kris (Feraligatr) | |
Lance (Dragonair) | |
Lance New Year’s ’21 (Gyarados) | |
N (Zekrom) | |
Steven Summer ’20 (Alolan Sandslash) | |
Steven Anniversary ’21 (Rayquaza) | |
Wally (Gallade) | |
B | Brock Sygna (Tyranitar) |
Gloria (Thwackey) | |
Guzma (Golisopod) | |
Hala (Crabominable) | |
Hilbert Fall ’20 (Mightyena) | |
Hilda (Emboar) | |
Hugh (Bouffalant) | |
Iris (Haxorus) | |
Karen (Umbreon) | |
Leon Holiday ’21 (Calyrex) | |
May Spring ’21 (Mega Lopunny) | |
Molayne (Alolan Dugtrio) | |
Morty (Drifblim) | |
Nate (Braviary) | |
Noland (Pinsir) | |
Olivia (Lycanroc) | |
Selene (Decidueye) | |
Steven (Metagross) | |
Trainer (Solgaleo) | |
Trainer (Venusaur) | |
C | Bugsy (Beedrill) |
Hapu (Mudsdale) | |
Kahili (Toucannon) | |
Korrina (Lucario) | |
Looker (Croagunk) | |
Marshal (Conkeldurr) | |
Norman (Slaking) | |
Roark (Rampardos) | |
Roxie (Scolipede) | |
Sophocles (Alolan Golem) | |
Tate (Solrock) | |
Wulfric (Avalugg) |
What is a Tier List in Pokemon Master?
A tier list in Pokemon Masters is a ranking system that categorizes Sync Pairs based on their overall strength, viability, and performance in the game. It provides players with a reference point to determine which Sync Pairs are considered top-tier or meta, and which ones may be less effective or situational.
Tier lists are commonly created by experienced players, content creators, or the game’s community based on factors such as base stats, move sets, abilities, synergy with other Sync Pairs, and their performance in various game modes. It serves as a helpful resource for players to make informed decisions when building their teams and choosing which Sync Pairs to invest in.
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gamesGuidePokemon MastersPokemon Masters EX Physical Strike Tier List - July 2023Tier List