9 Fire Emblem Heroes FEH Best Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes FEH Best Heroes – Welcome to the ultimate tier list showcasing the mightiest Heroes in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)! Discover the powerhouses that currently reign supreme and harness this valuable information to construct your dream team. Prepare to embark on a thrilling journey as you assemble the most formidable squad in the world of FEH!
Fire Emblem Heroes FEH Best Heroes
1. Edelgard
Edelgard, also known as Summer Edelgard, excels as a Sword Armored hero with a weapon skill that accelerates Specials, grants Atk buffs, inflicts Atk debuffs, and provides damage reduction while attacking twice. Additionally, her exclusive B skill allows another action after her first attack and ensures a follow-up attack against Dragons and Beasts. Harmonized skill bestows Resonance: Shields and Bonus Doubler.
2. Veronica
Veronica is a formidable Red Tome Cavalry hero with a weapon skill that grants Atk/Spd bonuses, negates effects that prevent her follow-ups, inflicts Spd/Res debuffs on foes, prevents counterattacks from enemies, and activates a Desperation effect. Her exclusive Special skill nullifies non-Special damage reduction and Special cooldown charge deceleration.
3. Seliph
Seliph, a Sword Cavalry hero, possesses a weapon skill that grants him the coveted 【Canto (2)】, bonus damage based on the distance traveled, and a Miracle effect. Furthermore, his exclusive C skill grants Atk/Spd+6, 【Null Follow-Up】, and an additional movement point.
4. Chrom
Chrom, wielding a Red Bow, stands out with his effectiveness against flying and armored units, an accelerated Special, buffs, and a guaranteed follow-up attack. Moreover, his Assist skill allows him to reposition an ally and grants him another action, all while being able to counterattack regardless of the range and providing buffs during combat.
5. Thórr
Thórr, a Blue Tome Flying hero, possesses a powerful weapon skill that accelerates Specials, grants buffs, inflicts Exposure and Stall on foes with the lowest Spd, slows enemy Specials, and debuffs enemies during combat. Her exclusive C skill also accelerates Specials for her and her allies.
6. Robin
Robin (M), a Green Tome Infantry hero, wields a weapon skill called 【Grand Strategy】, which benefits him and nearby allies, inflicts stat penalties on multiple foes, and denies the foe’s follow-up attack. Additionally, his exclusive A skill inflicts in-combat stat penalties on the foe, grants Spectrum Unity, and ensures a guaranteed follow-up attack for himself.
7. Ninian
Ninian, a Green Breath Cavalry hero, impresses with a weapon skill that inflicts Def/Res penalties on foes upon using refresh assist, grants Atk/Spd bonuses, and prevents foe’s counterattacks. Her exclusive assist refreshes the turns of an ally and herself while granting Atk/Spd bonuses to herself.
8. Hector
Hector, an Axe Armored hero, proves formidable with a weapon skill that inflicts Atk/Def debuffs and a Guard effect on foes and grants 30% damage reduction to all attacks on himself. Additionally, his exclusive A skill grants him a Distant Counter effect, inflicts Atk/Def debuffs on the foe, and heals him for 7 HP per attack.
9. Tiki
Tiki (Adult), a Colorless Breath Armored hero, excels with a weapon skill that grants bonus stats, post-combat healing, a guaranteed follow-up attack, Res-based damage reduction, Special cooldown acceleration for herself, and Special cooldown deceleration for the foe. Her exclusive B skill inflicts Atk/Res penalties on the foe, prevents the foe from making a follow-up attack, and grants Res-based damage reduction to herself. Moreover, her Harmonized Skill grants bonus Def/Res, neutralizes foe’s bonuses, and negates unit’s penalties and penalties of all allies from the same titles.
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