How to Fix Amazfit Bip Screen Stuck Solution!

After installing the latest update from Mi Fit official app, people have been experiencing stuck on Smartphone and Watch. The screen will only show one picture, and it unusable. If you are wondering how you can fix this screen stuck, then you simply need to follow this little step below for easy fix.
Update December 2023 Cek for the information
First of all you will need your Amazfit Bip device on you, and then you can follow this step one by one.
- Download Notify & Fitness for Amazfit
- Connect it to the Mi Fit App (just do what the Notify & Fitness tells you)
- Swipe all the way to the right to “Tools” in Notify & Fitness
- Click on “Update Amazfit firmware”
- Download the English Version
- Update only The Firmware! (If you Update Resources it doesnt work)
- Open MiFit App after the Update is finished
- It will Update your Amazfit watch
- Close MiFit and never open it again until Xiaomi/Huami will fix this
Note that this is a little temporary fix, if you open the MiFit after this, you will need to redo all of the step again because it will break again. Simply forget the MiFit, and act as it never existed before. Even after some times, they didn’t fix the update and people have been stuck thinking that their device is broken. Which is why I hope that with this article, you are able to fix the screen stuck.
This solution comes from a member from XDAdevs “Yuvalhaim“, which helps tons of people with the problem. If you have time, please thank him/her for giving this solution.
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Amazfit BIPFixSmartwatchtipsTricks