Viking Rise Tier List – January 2024

Looking to conquer in Viking Rise, We’ve got your back with the lowdown on the best heroes and a straightforward tier list for December 2024. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting, this guide aims to make your hero choices a breeze.
Tier Definitions Uncomplicated
- SS Tier: These heroes are the big guns. They work wonders in almost any situation, making them the go-to choices for power.
- S Tier: Very powerful heroes that shine in specific scenarios and can hold their own in various situations. They’re solid additions to your squad.
- A Tier: Good heroes that contribute positively to your team’s overall performance. They might not be the top dogs, but they get the job done.
- B Tier: These heroes are decent for now, but you’ll want to upgrade to better options as soon as you can. They’re placeholders.
- C Tier: Heroes in this tier are nearly useless. Only consider using them if you’re in a bind.
Viking Rise Tier list
Tier S – Powerhouses in Any Situation
- Ragnar (Legendary) – Leader, Polymath, Support
- Ivana (Legendary) – Leader, Polymath, Support
- Helgar (Legendary) – Pikeman, PvP, Counter-attack
- Lagertha (Legendary) – Infantry, PvP, Basic Attacker
Tier A – Solid Team Players
- Sigurd (Legendary) – Archer, PvP, Skills
- Jens (Legendary) – Infantry, PvP, Basic Attacker
- Gregory (Legendary) – Infantry, PvP, Basic Attacker
- Rosky (Legendary) – Archer, PvP, Skills
Tier B – Making Do for Now
- Yulmi (Legendary) – Pikeman, PvP, Counter-attack
- Verdandi (Legendary) – Archer, PvP, Skills
- Bjorn (Legendary) – Basic Attacker
- Leandra (Legendary) – Infantry, PvP, Counter-attack
Tier C – Use with Caution
- Laird (Legendary) – Pikeman, PvP, Counter-attack
- Yvette (Legendary) – Pikeman, PvP, Support
- Ivor (Epic) – Leader, Polymath, Skills
- Cecia (Epic) – Infantry, PvP, Basic Attacker
In summary, aim for the stars with SS and S Tier heroes, settle for the dependable A Tier, and use B Tier heroes as placeholders until you upgrade. Avoid the C Tier heroes unless you find yourself in a tight spot.
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Tier ListViking Rise