Mobile Legends, Why People Hate Healing Support!

Mobile Legends, a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, has garnered a massive player base worldwide. Within its diverse roster of heroes, healing supports play a crucial role in sustaining teammates during intense battles. However, despite their vital function, healing supports often find themselves at the center of controversy and criticism within the gaming community. The animosity towards healing supports stems from various factors, including misconceptions about their effectiveness, frustrations with team compositions, and the perception of their role as lacking in excitement or skill. But why is it? Here we are going to list out the reason.

Why People Hate Healing Support in Mobile Legends

1. Misconceptions about Effectiveness

Many players underestimate the impact of healing supports, believing their contributions to be minimal compared to heroes focused on dealing damage. This misconception often leads to undervaluing the role of healing supports in team success.

2. Frustrations with Team Compositions

Healing supports are often criticized when paired with squishy team compositions lacking in frontline presence. Without adequate protection, healing supports struggle to keep their fragile teammates alive, leading to frustration and blame.

3. Perceived Lack of Excitement

Some players view playing healing supports as less thrilling compared to other roles that involve more aggressive gameplay or flashy mechanics. This perception can result in disdain towards healing supports and those who choose to play them.

4. Difficulty in Solo Queue

In uncoordinated teams, healing supports may struggle to fulfill their role effectively. Without proper coordination and communication, teammates may not fully utilize the healing support’s abilities, leading to a sense of frustration and helplessness.

5. Stigma of “Mindless Support”

Healing supports are sometimes labeled as “mindless” due to the perception that their role primarily involves healing without much strategic decision-making. This stigma can contribute to negative attitudes towards healing supports within the gaming community.

When to Pick Healing Support?

Choosing a healing support in Mobile Legends should be based on several factors to maximize their effectiveness within the team composition. Here are some situations when picking a healing support is advisable:

  1. Team Composition: Opt for a healing support when your team lacks sustain or survivability. Healing supports excel in keeping teammates alive during prolonged engagements, making them valuable additions to compositions with squishy or high-damage heroes.
  2. Versatility: Healing supports are versatile picks that can adapt to various situations. Consider selecting a healing support when your team needs flexibility in its composition or when facing opponents with high burst damage.
  3. Synergy with Teammates: Choose a healing support that synergizes well with your team’s lineup. For example, pairing a healing support with tanky frontline heroes can create a durable frontline that is difficult for opponents to penetrate.
  4. Countering Enemy Compositions: Healing supports can be effective counters against teams with heavy poke or sustain damage. Picking a healing support with strong healing abilities or anti-healing effects can disrupt the enemy’s strategy and tilt team fights in your favor.
  5. Objective Control: Healing supports can aid in securing objectives such as turrets, buffs, and objectives like the Turtle or Lord. Their ability to sustain teammates during prolonged engagements can provide the edge needed to secure key objectives and gain map control.

In conclusion, the animosity towards healing supports in games like Mobile Legends can be attributed to several factors. These include misconceptions about their effectiveness, frustrations with team compositions, the perception of their role as less exciting or skillful, difficulties in solo queue situations, and the stigma of being labelled as “mindless” supports.

Despite the vital role healing supports play in sustaining teammates during battles, they often face criticism and disdain from some players within the gaming community. However, understanding the strategic importance of healing supports and appreciating their contributions can lead to a more positive perception of these valuable team members.

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