By Jay / / Games News

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of Haki in Cursed Sea? Look no further! Our guide will walk you through everything you need to know about mastering both Ken Haki and Buso Haki, including where to find them and how they differ.

What is Haki and How to Get Cursed Sea Haki!

Haki is a powerful technique that allows players to enhance their strength or observation abilities, depending on the route chosen. In Cursed Sea, mastering Haki is crucial for leveling up your character and becoming a formidable force on the seas.

1. Where to Find Haki

Head to Marine Base Island, the third island in your journey, to meet the Soul Master NPC, who will train you in the ways of Haki. Both Ken Haki and Buso Haki are available for purchase from this NPC for 500k Beli each.

2. Choosing Your Path

Deciding between Ken Haki and Buso Haki can be challenging. Consider your playstyle and goals to determine which Haki to prioritize. Buso Haki enhances your combat prowess, while Ken Haki focuses on evasion and nimbleness during battles.

3. Quests to Master Haki

Upon purchasing your chosen Haki, you’ll receive a quest to complete, helping you familiarize yourself with its mechanics:

  • Buso Haki Quest: Earn 1000 Points by defeating NPCs and players. Player kills grant significantly more points than NPC kills.
  • Ken Haki Quest: Perform 250 Parries/Dodges to demonstrate your evasion skills.

Haki Type – Buso and Ken Haki

  • Buso Haki focuses on enhancing combat abilities, boosting both offense and defense. It allows players to tackle challenging foes with ease, earning experience points (EXP) through kills.
  • Ken Haki emphasizes evasion tactics, enabling players to dodge attacks and maneuver swiftly in battle. Like Buso Haki, it gains experience faster when used against other players.

With this guide, you’re equipped to embark on your journey to master Haki in Cursed Sea. Whether you choose the path of combat prowess with Buso Haki or the nimble evasion of Ken Haki, hone your skills and dominate the high seas!

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About Jay
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