Age of Empires Mobile BETA Comes for Selected Countries!

Age of Empires Mobile, based on the legendary RTS franchise, kicks off its first Android beta test. Players in France, the Philippines, and Indonesia are the lucky ones to get a first look at this highly-anticipated adaptation of the classic strategy game.
The beta test is now open, offering a sneak peek into what the game has in store. Additionally, TiMi Studio Group has assured players that the progression made during the beta will carry over, hinting at future expansions of the program.
Age of Empires holds a special place in the hearts of RTS fans worldwide. The game allows players to assume the roles of historic leaders and engage in battles against AI or real opponents. While mobile gaming sceptics may raise concerns about the typical free-to-play model and in-app purchases, Age of Empires Mobile aims to deliver the captivating base-building and intense battles that made the original a classic.
With The game, players can expect to experience the thrill of building and expanding their empires right in the palm of their hands. While previous attempts to bring Age of Empires to mobile devices existed, this adaptation promises to offer a more immersive and expansive gameplay experience.
As the beta test commences, the gaming community eagerly awaits feedback from players. Will Age of Empires stay true to its roots while offering a mobile-friendly experience? Only time will tell. Let’s hope for a faithful translation of the original game that prioritizes enjoyment over excessive monetization on Android Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
Age of Empires Mobile