How to Fix Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Lam Bug

Exciting news for fans of Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes as the game has finally been released for consoles today. However, PC players will have to wait a little longer as the PC version is set to launch later tonight.

But, there’s a silver lining for those who purchased the Deluxe Edition or backed the game, as they’ve had the opportunity to enjoy it a few days earlier. Unfortunately, the release version we received for review purposes encountered a bug involving the recruitment of a character named Lam in Daphan Village.

Lam, a blonde-haired character with a martial artist appearance wearing pink with red accents, is located in the northwest/top-left part of Daphan Village. The bug occurs when players interact with Lam before recruiting Riufan, which disrupts the game’s code and renders Lam unrecruitable, even if Riufan is in the party.

How to Fix Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes Lam Bug:

If you’ve encountered this bug, there’s a workaround until Rabbit and Bear Studios release an official fix.

  1. Ensure the game is not running and Save your progress after that close the game.
  2. Navigate to \EiyudenChronicle_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64
  3. Locate the file named 3a52e2d360a274202f3dab4a30b75859.bundle and create a backup by copying it to another folder.
  4. Download the file 3a52e2d360a274202f3dab4a30b75859.bundle from the GitHub website using this link.
  5. Replace the original file in \EiyudenChronicle_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64 with the downloaded one. If prompted to overwrite, select yes.
  6. Launch the game and recruit Lam with Riufan in your party.
  7. Save your game at the inn.
  8. Close the game.
  9. Restore the original 3a52e2d360a274202f3dab4a30b75859.bundle file from your backup to its original location at \EiyudenChronicle_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64. If prompted to overwrite, select yes.
  10. You’re all set! The issue should be resolved.

Note: This bug fix was created by fans and is not an official release from Rabbit and Bear Studios. Console players experiencing this bug will need to wait for the developers to release an official fix.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes is available today on consoles, while the PC (Steam) standard edition is set to release later tonight on Steam around 21:00-22:00 WIB.

Jay: A Content Creator for Contact me on

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