Chinese Developers Are Able to Use Deepfakes to Become a Beautiful Woman

Technology for app filters and deepfakes has been around for a while, but with the emergence of artificial intelligence, its capabilities have skyrocketed. This makes it nearly impossible to discern what’s real on the internet. For example, a Chinese engineer recently shared a viral video demonstrating how easily he could transform himself to look like a beautiful woman. Just by wearing a wig, activating some software, and letting artificial intelligence do the rest, the transformation was a success.

In addition to replacing his face with that of a beautiful woman, in the video, he was also able to mimic all the actions of a woman, including eating with chopsticks, pinching his own face, and speaking with matching lip movements. While impressive, the video also evoked fear as it showed how easily someone could disguise themselves as someone else. Although the engineer admitted that the software isn’t perfect yet, it’s hard to find any flaws in it.

Some users have noticed that while his face successfully changed to that of a young woman, his hands weren’t as smooth as they should have been. One user on Twitter asked, “Who will dare to trust their eyes in the future?” The engineer explained that some details, like eye movements, still need to be perfected. However, the advancements in deepfake technology driven by artificial intelligence are evident from the video.

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