3 Must Banned Hero in Mobile Legends Since The Newest Update

3 Must Banned Hero in Mobile Legends Since The Newest Update

Must Banned Hero in Mobile Legends – Playing solo rank in Mobile Legends can be a challenging experience. To increase your chances of winning, it’s important to understand the strong heroes that pose a threat to your team. In this article, we’ll discuss three heroes that are must-ban picks when playing solo rank.

Must Banned Hero in Mobile Legends Since The Newest Update

1. Masha: The Barbarian Charger

Masha is a roamer hero known for her ability to charge and easily destroy opponents. If left unchecked, Masha can quickly eliminate enemy core heroes, causing significant losses for your team.

Her principle of “charge with barbarian hero core opponents to death” makes her a prime target for banning. If you don’t want to face difficult situations and potentially lose the game, banning Masha in rank is a wise decision.

2. Helcurt: The Challenging Assassin

Helcurt, an assassin hero who recently received a buff from Moonton, has once again become meta in Mobile Legends.

However, the main reason to ban him is not only because of his strength, but also to prevent your teammates from picking him and becoming feeders in the team.

After the buff, Helcurt’s gameplay has become more challenging than before. Not all players can play him well as before.

Therefore, it’s recommended to ban Helcurt to prevent teammates who may not be accustomed to the changes from picking him.

3. Tigreal: The Disruptive Tank

Lastly, there’s Tigreal, a tank hero who is currently meta in Mobile Legends. If you’re playing as a jungler or mage, it’s crucial to ban Tigreal to maximize your abilities.

Facing Tigreal can be very troublesome, especially for heroes who rely on skills to have a significant impact in the game.

Tigreal is very difficult to deal with because of his ability to disrupt and hinder the use of your best skills.

By banning Tigreal, you can avoid difficult situations and ensure that you can use your abilities more effectively during the game.

By considering these three heroes for banning when playing solo rank, you can increase your chances of winning and avoid unfavorable situations for your team.

Remember that each game has its own dynamics, and a good understanding of the meta and strong heroes can provide a significant advantage.

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Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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