Pokemon GO Introducing New Ultra Beast to the Game!

Pokemon GO Ultra BeastPokemon GO Ultra Beast

Pokemon GO Ultra Beast

Since the introduction of Ultra Beast in Pokemon Go back in 2022, the augmented reality game has been buzzing with excitement. Now, as we gear up for Pokémon Go Fest 2024, anticipation is building for the Ultra Space Wonders event, where several new Pokémon will make their debut.

Set to take place from May 23rd to 28th, the Ultra Space Wonders event promises to be a thrilling adventure for trainers worldwide. Among the highlights are three powerful new Pokémon making their first appearances.

New Ultra Beast Will Be Making Its First Appearance in Pokemon GO

First on the list is Naganadel, the Poison Pin Pokémon. Trainers can evolve their Poipole into Naganadel by collecting 200 Candy and catching 20 Dragon-type Pokémon while Poipole is their buddy.

Joining the lineup are Stakataka, the Rampart Pokémon, and Blacephalon, the Fireworks Pokémon. Stakataka will be featured in five-star raids in the Eastern Hemisphere, while Blacephalon will appear in raids in the Western Hemisphere. Trainers can earn double XP for winning Ultra Beast Raid Battles during the event.

As the World of Wonders season draws to a close, trainers can embark on the final leg of the Seasonal Special Research. This research, available at the start of the event, offers opportunities to earn XP, Rare Candy, Mysterious Components, and encounters with multiple Pokémon.

For those seeking additional challenges, a paid Timed Research event will be available for $5.00 or the local equivalent. This event includes exclusive quests and the chance to earn Premium Battle Passes, Lucky Eggs, encounters with Mareanie, and the Nagnadel Wings avatar item.

To add some flair to your trainer’s wardrobe, be sure to check out the new avatar items available in the item shop: the Nagnadel Jacket and Nagnadel Pants. And for trainers looking to stock up on supplies, the Pokémon Go Web Store will offer a special Ultra Raid Box packed with resources to enhance your journey.

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Jay: A Content writer for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.