By Jay / / Games News

In Roblox Pressure, two particularly challenging encounters are the Search Light and the Wall Dweller. These “boss” like entities require a strategic approach to survive. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you handle these difficult encounters.

1. Search Light

Description: The Search Light is a formidable entity that uses powerful spotlights to seek out and capture players. It is encountered in the latter stages of the game, typically around rooms 50 to 70. This boss features four spotlights that constantly scan the area for movement.


  • Spotlights: The Search Light is equipped with four spotlights at its base. Standing in the spotlight’s beam will result in immediate detection and capture, effectively ending your run.


  1. Avoid the Spotlight: The key to surviving the Search Light is to stay out of its spotlight. Move carefully and avoid standing in the illuminated areas. Always be on the lookout for the search beams.
  2. Find Cover: Utilize crates, furniture, or other objects in the room to hide from the spotlights. Position yourself behind obstacles to break the line of sight with the Search Light.
  3. Stay Mobile: Keep moving to avoid becoming an easy target. The Search Light’s spotlights continuously scan, so staying in one spot will increase your chances of getting caught.
  4. Timing is Crucial: If you need to cross a lit area, time your movements to avoid the spotlights’ scanning patterns. Watch the light beams closely and move when they are not focused on your position.

2. Wall Dweller

Description: The Wall Dweller is a humanoid entity that lurks within the walls and becomes visible only when you exit a room. It stalks players with subtle, ominous noises and is known for its stealthy attacks.


  • Ambush from Behind: The Wall Dweller hides within the walls and attacks from behind. Its presence is signaled by a squishy noise and faint footsteps, making it crucial to be aware of your surroundings.


  1. Regularly Check Behind You: Frequently turn around to check for any signs of the Wall Dweller. Pay attention to the squishy noise and the footsteps, which indicate its approach.
  2. Avoid Sudden Movements: Make deliberate, careful movements to avoid startling the Wall Dweller. Quick movements can trigger its attack or make it more aggressive.
  3. Listen for Audio Cues: The Wall Dweller emits subtle noises when it is near. Stay alert to these sounds as they can help you detect its presence before it attacks.
  4. Use Light Sources Wisely: Although the Wall Dweller primarily attacks from behind, having a good light source can help you spot it if it becomes visible. However, be cautious not to use the light too close to where you think it might be.

By following these strategies, you can effectively navigate the challenges posed by the Search Light and Wall Dweller in Roblox Pressure. Stay alert, plan your movements carefully, and use the environment to your advantage to survive these intense boss fights.

About Jay
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