Derelict Soul Amalgam 2 Farming Guide

Switching to a magic-wielder in Derelict and need a new Stave? This guide will help you get the essential crafting material: Soul Amalgam. We’ll go over two methods to obtain it, including the best farming spot for the required materials.
2 Guide to Farm Derelict Soul Amalgam
There are two ways to get a Soul Amalgam in Derelict. The easiest method is farming, but you need to unlock the Bonsai point first, which is a bit further into the game. Soul Amalgams are used in crafting recipes for the Apprentice Set armor, the Crystal Hammer, and Staves. If you’re a magic user or sorcerer, then you will need lots of Soul Amalgams!
How to Farm Method
1. Crytalline Cavern
Before starting, you must have a Mining Level of 34 and a Foraging Level of 34. These skills are easy to level up by using your pickaxe on ore deposits and picking up items like onions and mushrooms in the wild.
To farm Soul Amalgam, you need to unlock the Crystalline Caverns Bonsai point. Follow the main questline to reach the Baron’s Tavern Bonsai, then find the Crystalline Caverns. From there, walk down the slope into the caverns. Collect the blue glowing mushrooms (Soul Shrooms) and mine the blue spiky crystals (Soul Shards).
After gathering these materials, teleport back to Gideon’s Camp and head to the anvil. The recipe for Soul Amalgam requires 8 Soul Shards and 2 Soul Shrooms. Craft the item and ensure you have a Sorcery level of 32 to use it.
2. Opening Chest
The alternative way to get Soul Amalgams is by completing quests and opening chests across the map. Not all quests and chests give you a Soul Amalgam, but it’s a good way to collect them passively while leveling up your Mining and Foraging skills.
With these methods, you’ll have plenty of Soul Amalgams to craft the items you need for your magic-wielder.