Sword of Convallaria, How Free to Play is The Game?

If you’re interested in playing Sword of Convallaria as a free-to-play player, it’s essential to understand what you can expect. The game has a lot of RNG (random number generation), meaning luck plays a significant role in your experience. You might get lucky and acquire several rare characters, or you might struggle and only get a few. Let’s break down the different aspects of playing the game without spending money.
Sword of Convallaria Currency and Pulls
As a free-to-play player, you can earn currency through various in-game activities. By clearing the campaign and the tower (a monthly game mode), you can gather enough currency to make around one multi-pull per month. Clearing the tower provides about 700 currency, and additional activities can bring in another 600. This means you can accumulate about 50-60 pulls per month. Since it takes 180-200 pulls to guarantee a character from the gacha system, free-to-play players need to be strategic with their pulls.
For Small Spenders and Whales
For small spenders, there are a few worthwhile purchases. For example, $1 can get you an SR healer, which is useful even in late game. For $35, you can get a selector pack allowing you to choose any initial character, which can be a good investment. Monthly packs, especially the $5 monthly card, offer good value by providing daily crystals. However, many of the higher-priced packs don’t offer good value and should be avoided unless you’re willing to spend a lot.
Monthly and Weekly Packs Sword of Convallaria
Monthly packs generally provide good value, especially the first few packs. The $5 monthly card gives 300 crystals instantly and 80 crystals per day. Another notable pack is the $10 pack, which offers one pull per dollar. Weekly packs, on the other hand, are mostly not worth it, except for the stamina pack, which costs $5 and gives good returns in terms of stamina and tickets.
Premium Currency
It’s advisable to avoid buying premium currency unless you’re a whale. The double gems offer might seem tempting, but after the first purchase, the value significantly decreases. These are more suited for heavy spenders rather than light spenders or free-to-play players.
Battle Pass
The battle pass is another good investment for light spenders. It costs $10 and provides a lot of materials and a weapon selector, which can be very beneficial. There’s a more expensive version for $15, which includes additional items, but the $10 version is sufficient for most players.
Sword of Convallaria can be played effectively as a free-to-play player if you are strategic with your pulls and focus on earning currency through in-game activities. Small spenders have a few good options that can enhance their gameplay without breaking the bank. However, avoid unnecessary purchases and focus on the packs that offer the best value.
gamesGuideSword of Convallaria