Anime Defenders Best Mythic Unit and Why

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In Anime Defenders, the meta revolves around securing powerful units. While Secret units are the rarest, Mythical units offer a more attainable yet highly effective alternative. Wondering which Mythic unit is the best? We’ve got you covered. Here’s our take on the top Mythic units and why they deserve a spot on your team.

Who Are the Best Mythic Units in Anime Defenders?

We’ve picked three Mythic units that excel in different roles, from damage dealing to support. Let’s dive into our top choices:

1. Flame Dragon King / Flame Dragon God

Flame Dragon King is a fantastic choice for damage output. He’s affordable to deploy, delivers impressive AOE (Area of Effect) damage, and inflicts powerful burn damage. His evolved form, Flame Dragon God, takes these abilities even further. If you need a reliable and strong damage-dealer, Flame Dragon King is your go-to.

2. Ice Dragon / Ice Dragon Queen

As the top support unit, Ice Dragon (and her evolved form, Ice Dragon Queen) is unmatched. She provides massive AOE coverage and the Freeze effect, which immobilizes enemies, making them easy targets for your DPS units. Deploying her ensures your team can control the battlefield effectively.

3. Curse Prince / Curse King

Curse Prince, previously known as Curse King, is unique due to his dual status effects: burn and bleed. Although he can’t apply both simultaneously, the recent buffs to bleed damage have made him a formidable unit. He’s cost-effective to deploy and upgrade, and evolving him enhances his already impressive abilities. If you’re looking for versatility and strong status effects, Curse Prince is a top contender.

In Anime Defenders, choosing the right Mythic units can significantly impact your success. Flame Dragon King, Ice Dragon Queen, and Curse Prince each offer unique strengths that can fit various team strategies. Whether you need a powerful damage-dealer, an effective support unit, or a versatile status inflictor, these Mythic units are among the best you can get.

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