By Jay / / Games News

If you’re looking to dominate in Roblox Rivals, you need to equip yourself with the best weapons. With so many options, choosing the right ones can be tricky. Whether you have great aim or need a bit of help, this guide will help you find the perfect primary, secondary, and melee weapons to suit your playstyle.

3 Top Primary Weapons in Roblox Rivals

  1. Sniper
    • The sniper is a top choice if you have excellent aim. It deals 70 damage to the body and a whopping 150 damage for a headshot. Use it to peek and shoot at predictable enemy movements, making it a powerful tool for skilled players.
  2. Burst Rifle
    • The burst rifle fires three shots per click and is highly effective with headshots, dealing 94 damage. Its predictable spread pattern helps improve accuracy, making it a reliable weapon for quick kills.
  3. Assault Rifle
    • The assault rifle is a versatile default weapon with a manageable spread. It deals 20 damage per headshot, making it a solid choice for consistent performance in various combat situations.

3 Top Melee Weapons

  1. Katana
    • The katana is my main melee weapon. It has a special ability to deflect bullets back at the shooter. Use the right-click ability to redirect enemy fire and turn the tables in combat. It’s the best melee weapon for both offense and defense.
  2. Scythe
    • The scythe offers excellent movement capabilities. Its right-click ability allows you to dash forward, making it useful for quick escapes or closing the distance on enemies. It’s a solid choice for players who value mobility.
  3. Knife
    • The knife deals 40 damage normally, but hitting someone in the back delivers 150 damage, instantly killing them. It’s ideal for sneaky plays and quick takedowns.

Best Utility Weapon

  • Grenade
    • The grenade is a versatile utility weapon. Use it to clear out enemies hiding behind cover or to deal damage in tight situations. It’s a must-have in your arsenal for added tactical advantage.

These are the best primary, secondary, and melee weapons to use in Roblox Rivals. Each weapon offers unique strengths and can fit different playstyles. Experiment with them to find your perfect loadout and dominate the battlefield.

About Jay
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