TYPE://SOUL Snake Resurreccion Guide

The latest TYPE://SOUL update has finally dropped, introducing the new Snake Resurreccion. This guide will help you master the specific timings required for executing the moves perfectly. Let’s dive right in and break down each part of the Snake Resurreccion, including the base form, resurrección form, and overdrive.

Snake Resurreccion Guide Base Form Timings

  1. X Move:
    • Timing: Right after you kick your opponent.
    • How to Execute: Perform the kick and, as soon as your opponent starts to move away from your leg, right-click to continue the move.
  2. Z Move:
    • Timing: As soon as the hit lands.
    • How to Execute: Wait for the hit to connect and immediately right-click to follow through.

Resurrección Form Timings

  1. X Move:
    • Timing: Between the two kicks.
    • How to Execute: Perform the first kick, then right-click right after to execute the slam down.

Snake Resurreccion Guide Overdrive Form Timings

  1. X Move:
    • Timing: Follow the “du” sounds.
    • How to Execute:
      • Right-click at the top of the combo.
      • Right-click again when they are halfway through the air.
      • Right-click once more right above them for a three-part move.
    • Pro Tip: Listen for the high-pitched sounds to time your right-clicks perfectly.
  2. C Move:
    • Timing: Right towards the end of each dash.
    • How to Execute: Continuously right-click at the end of each dash to keep dashing from one opponent to another, effectively chaining your attacks.

Additional Tips in Using the TYPE://SOUL Snake Resurreccion and Video Guide

  • X Move in Overdrive: Check out the video clip where each right-click is timed with the “du” sound to complete the combo.
  • C Move in Overdrive: By timing your right-clicks correctly, you can keep dashing from one opponent to another until there are no more enemies left.

Mastering these timings will make you a formidable player in TYPE://SOUL. Remember to practice each move to get the timing just right.

Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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