Void Fishing All Rod Stats, Available Buff and Lures!

Void Fishing GuideVoid Fishing Guide

Void Fishing Guide

Void Fishing is a popular Roblox game where you fish for random items to boost your in-game net worth. Your success in the game depends largely on your Luck and Efficiency stats, which are influenced by the rods you use and the buffs and lures you equip. Knowing which items are worth your time can make a significant difference in your gameplay.

All Rods in Void Fishing

In Void Fishing, your rod is the most crucial piece of equipment. The right rod can dramatically improve your fishing results. Here’s a rundown of all the rods available in the game, along with their costs and stat multipliers:

  • Starter Rod: Free, Luck (1), Efficiency (1)
  • Toy Rod: $1,000, Luck (2), Efficiency (0.5)
  • Magnetic Rod: $5,000, Luck (1.25), Efficiency (1.75)
  • Glass Rod: $45,000, Luck (2), Efficiency (2.25)
  • Bamboo Rod: $75,000, Luck (2.5), Efficiency (3.65)
  • Sponge Rod: $125,000, Luck (3.25), Efficiency (3.25)
  • Crystalline Rod: $550,000, Luck (4.5), Efficiency (4)
  • Golden Rod: Craftable, Luck (7.5), Efficiency (7.5)
  • Nebular Rod: $1,250,000, Luck (7.5), Efficiency (7.5)
  • Divine Rod: $25,000,000, Luck (10), Efficiency (10)
  • Cursed Rod: $666,666,666, Luck (14), Efficiency (14)
  • Rod of the Abyssal Deity: $2,000,000,000, Luck (20), Efficiency (20)
  • Diamond Rod: 249 Robux, Luck (8), Efficiency (8)

All Available Buffs

Buffs in Void Fishing provide temporary boosts to your stats. They can be purchased in-game and used strategically to maximize your fishing rewards. Here’s a list of all the buffs, their prices, and effects:

  • Taco: $250, 1.3x Efficiency for 2 minutes
  • Double Display Cases: 29 Robux, Gives two display cases
  • Infinite Storage Case: 65 Robux, Gives infinite storage
  • Burger: $1,000, 1.5x Efficiency for 2 minutes
  • Chips: $1,000, 1.5x Luck for 2 minutes
  • Pizza Slice: $1,000, 1.2x Efficiency and Luck for 5 minutes
  • Triple Fish: 249 Robux, Lets you fish three items at once
  • Energy Bar: $2,500, 2x Efficiency for 1 minute
  • Medium 2x Luck Potion: 49 Robux, 2x Luck for 12 hours
  • Large 2x Luck Potion: 99 Robux, 2x Luck for one day
  • 2x Luck Implant: 149 Robux, Permanent 2x Luck
  • 2x Luck Supplements: $120,000, 2x Luck for 10 minutes
  • Medium 2x Efficiency Potion: 49 Robux, 2x Efficiency for 12 hours
  • Large 2x Efficiency Potion: 99 Robux, 2x Efficiency for one day
  • 2x Efficiency Implant: 149 Robux, Permanent 2x Efficiency
  • 2x Efficiency Supplements: $120,000, 2x Efficiency for 10 minutes
  • Medium 3x Luck Potion: 99 Robux, 3x Luck for 12 hours
  • Large 3x Luck Potion: 199 Robux, 3x Luck for one day
  • 3x Luck Implant: 399 Robux, Permanent 3x Luck
  • 3x Luck Supplements: $240,000, 3x Luck for 10 minutes
  • Medium 3x Efficiency Potion: 99 Robux, 3x Efficiency for 12 hours
  • Large 3x Efficiency Potion: 199 Robux, 3x Efficiency for one day
  • 3x Efficiency Implant: 399 Robux, Permanent 3x Efficiency
  • 3x Efficiency Supplements: $240,000, 3x Efficiency for 10 minutes

All Available Lures

Lures in Void Fishing provide permanent stat boosts once purchased. Here’s a list of all the lures, their prices, and their effects:

  • Weak Magnetic Lure: $1,500, Luck (0.5), Efficiency (1)
  • Strong Magnetic Lure: $25,000, Luck (1), Efficiency (3)
  • Weak Gravitational Lure: $300,000, Luck (2), Efficiency (4)
  • Strong Gravitational Lure: $2,500,000, Luck (5), Efficiency (5)
  • Bobber: Reward for joining group, Luck (0.25), Efficiency (0.5)


1. How many rods does Void Fishing have?

There are 13 unlockable fishing rods in the game, including the premium option.

2. What is the best lure in Void Fishing?

The best lure is the Strong Gravitational Lure, which boosts both Luck and Efficiency by five points each.

3. How do I unlock the 3x Luck Implant in Void Fishing?

The 3x Luck Implant can be unlocked by using 399 Robux, making it an premium.

By using this guide, you can optimize your fishing strategy in Void Fishing and get the most out of your in-game experience.

Jay: A Content writer for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com, we can't reply to gmail for some reason.