Dungeonborne, 9 Best Enchantments in The Game!

Enchantments are key upgrades players can add to their Heirloom items in Dungeonborne. While unlocking these requires a lot of grinding, they are crucial for tackling higher-tier challenges like the deadly Cyclops and other monsters in the Corrupted Dungeons. Here’s a rundown of the top enchantments in Dungeonborne and how they can boost your character’s stats.

1. Life Steal Out of Combat

  • Slot: Second
  • Type: Sustain
  • Ideal For: Rogue, Cryomancer, Pyromancer, Druid

The Life Steal Out of Combat enchantment is perfect for gaining extra health by defeating lesser enemies like goblins, scarabs, and bats. Healing sources are scarce in Dungeonborne, so this enchantment helps players maintain full health before combat, offering an edge against enemies.

2. Lifesteal

  • Slot: Second
  • Type: Sustain
  • Ideal For: Melee Classes

Lifesteal provides a constant supply of health during combat. Each hit returns a percentage of the damage dealt as health. Since most healing methods in the game take time to become effective, Lifesteal is one of the most efficient ways to recover health in the middle of a fight, making it essential for melee classes.

3. Additional Attack Level

  • Slot: Second
  • Type: Combat
  • Ideal For: Melee Classes, Especially Fighters

The Additional Attack Level enchantment increases a weapon’s damage output. Each level above an enemy’s defense adds 2.5% more damage. This enchantment is crucial for overcoming the weapon level cap and dealing significant damage, especially against well-armored enemies.

4. True Damage to Attacker on Block

  • Slot: Second
  • Type: Combat
  • Ideal For: Melee Classes

The True Damage to Attacker on Block enchantment deals damage to enemies even when they are blocking. This is particularly useful against shield-bearers, allowing players to cause consistent damage and counter tanks effectively.

5. Life on Kill

  • Slot: Second
  • Type: Sustain
  • Ideal For: All Classes

Life on Kill refills a portion of lost health every time an enemy is defeated. This enchantment is excellent for conserving health potions while exploring dungeons. It’s especially useful for classes like the Death Knight or Cryomancer, who can kill multiple enemies quickly.

6. Physical Resistance

  • Slot: Second
  • Type: Mitigation
  • Ideal For: Cryomancer, Pyromancer, Priest

Physical Resistance reduces incoming damage, making it ideal for squishier classes that lack damage mitigation. This enchantment is particularly effective in PvE against strong monsters, providing essential protection for spellcasters.

7. +Attribute

  • Slot: First
  • Type: Boost
  • Ideal For: All Classes

The +Attribute enchantment boosts character stats, helping players meet the activation conditions of Perks. It’s a versatile enchantment that can be applied to most Heirloom Rings, Pendants, and Armor, making it valuable for all classes.

8. Movement Speed

  • Slot: Third
  • Type: Utility
  • Ideal For: All Classes

Movement Speed is essential for exploring dungeons quickly and dodging enemy attacks. This enchantment is particularly beneficial for slow classes like Fighters and Death Knights, although it’s valuable for all players.

9. Skill Cooldown Reduction

  • Slot: Third
  • Type: Boost
  • Ideal For: All Classes

Skill Cooldown Reduction decreases the time needed to use skills again, which is crucial during the end game stages. This enchantment can provide up to a 12% cooldown reduction, allowing players to cast spells and skills faster than their opponents, potentially changing the outcome of battles.

Enchantments in Dungeonborne are vital for enhancing your character’s abilities and surviving the game’s toughest challenges. By carefully selecting and applying these enchantments, players can significantly boost their performance and enjoy a more strategic and rewarding gameplay experience.


Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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