Fruit Seas Haki Guide – Flow and Armament

Fruit Seas Haki GuideFruit Seas Haki Guide

Fruit Seas Haki Guide

Welcome to our Fruit Seas Haki Guide! In this article, we’ll break down how to obtain the two available variants of Haki in the game and explain what they can do for you. Mastering Haki is essential if you want to take on tough bosses and stand out as one of the strongest players. So, let’s dive in and get started!

Understanding the Two Types of Haki Fruit Seas Guide

In Fruit Seas, you can find two of the three types of Haki from the One Piece series: Flow Haki and Armament Haki. Flow Haki is inspired by Ken Haki, while Armament Haki is based on Buso Haki. The only Haki not included in the game is Conquerors Haki, which is considered rare and something you’re born with in the lore of One Piece.

1. Flow Haki

Flow Haki grants players a special sixth sense, enabling them to dodge attacks effectively and redirect incoming hits. While it’s a powerful defensive skill, it doesn’t guarantee safety against all moves. Some strong attacks can break your Flow, resulting in a 5-second cooldown and the loss of one dodge. Additionally, using Flow Haki against other players can break their Flow, causing them to lose all their dodges and take 15% of your move’s total damage. When inactive, Flow Haki will regenerate 1 dodge every 10 seconds.

How to Obtain Flow Haki

Getting Flow Haki is straightforward. You need to reach Sandora Island (Levels 150-240) and defeat the main boss, Desert King. After defeating him, climb to the top of the sand pillar and speak with the Fresh NPC, who will sell you Flow Haki for 200,000 Beli.

2. Armament Haki

Armament Haki focuses on raw strength, making it essential for fighting Logia-type players and NPCs. If you encounter someone with a Logia fruit, you can’t hit them unless you also have a Logia fruit or have mastered Armament Haki. This type of Haki increases your damage output and evolves through several levels as you improve.

  • First Level: +5% Damage
  • Second Level: +10% Damage
  • Third Level: +15% Damage
  • Fourth Level: +25% Damage
  • Fifth Level: +35% Damage

How to Obtain Armament Haki

Getting Armament Haki requires a bit more effort. Start by heading to Jungle Island (Levels 60-100) and find a cliff with a dark gray wall—this is an invisible wall you can walk through. Inside, you’ll find the Alphirex NPC, who will give you a quest before teaching you Haki. Alphirex will ask you to find an Ancient Scroll, which can spawn in several locations:

  • In the cave at Starter Town near the Bandit Mini-boss
  • On the second floor outside the Baratie
  • On top of the Wooden Tower in Orange Town
  • On a building in Shells Town
  • Next to the Dojo teacher in the Jungle

After you return the Ancient Scroll to Alphirex, he will teach you Armament Haki.

Haki is a crucial part of combat in Fruit Seas, allowing you to boost your abilities and take on more challenging opponents. With Flow Haki, you can dodge attacks more effectively, while Armament Haki increases your strength in battle. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Haki and dominating the game.

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