By Jay / / Games News

In Roblox Sol’s RNG Era 8.5, rolling speed is crucial for completing quests quickly. While many players use potions to boost their roll speed, there is a lesser-known method to increase your speed even further without relying solely on potions. This guide will walk you through a secret technique that will help you achieve faster rolls, making your quest to 300,000 rolls more manageable.

Roblox Sol’s RNG Era How to Roll 300,000 Faster

Before diving into the secret method, let’s cover the basics to ensure you’re optimizing your roll speed:

  1. Quick Roll: If you have access to Quick Roll, enable it. This will significantly boost your rolling speed.
  2. Potions: Utilize Speed Potions and Haste Potions. These provide temporary boosts to your rolling speed, helping you progress faster.
  3. Rainbow Ice: If you have Rainbow Ice in your inventory, use it. It offers a 100% luck boost and 25% roll speed increase.
  4. Exoflex and Bank’s Blessing: Equip Exoflex for an additional 35% roll speed. Bank’s Blessing provides another 7% boost.

Switching gauntlets is also essential. Once you acquire Poseidon with the Tide Gauntlet, switch to the Jackpot Gauntlet to gain an extra 7% roll speed.

The Secret Method: Using an Auto Clicker

The secret to maximizing your rolling speed lies in using an auto clicker. This tool automates the rolling process, reducing the delay typically experienced with the in-game auto roll feature.

  1. Auto Clicker Setup: Download an auto clicker, such as OP Auto Clicker 3.0.
  2. Configure Settings: Set the click interval to 0 milliseconds and assign a start/stop keybind.
  3. Disable In-Game Auto Roll: Turn off the game’s auto roll feature.
  4. Start Auto Clicker: Activate the auto clicker on the roll button. This will remove the slight delay between rolls, allowing for a faster rolling speed.

Testing with an auto clicker has shown a significant reduction in the time required to complete rolls. For instance, using an auto clicker can save approximately 4 hours of rolling time per 80,000 rolls compared to using the in-game auto roll.

Additional Tips

  • Mobile Users: If you play on mobile, search for a compatible auto clicker and share your findings with the community.
  • Optimize Your Buffs: Ensure you have all possible buffs active, including Speed Potions, Haste Potions, and any other speed-enhancing items.

By implementing this auto clicker method, you can dramatically reduce the time it takes to complete your rolls in Roblox Sol’s RNG Era 8.5. This approach, combined with the right potions and buffs, ensures you can reach your quest goals faster and more efficiently.

Sol's RNG
About Jay
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