Roblox Sakura Stand Guide to Solo Gebura or Red Mist

Soloing Gebura, also known as Red Mist, in Sakura Stand can be a daunting task, but with the right strategy and approach, it’s entirely possible. This guide will walk you through the process of defeating Gebura by using the Ichigo spec, focusing on each stage of the fight. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, this guide will help you navigate the challenge with ease.

Ichigo is the best in Soloing Red Mist Sakura Stand, Here’s Why

Ichigo is an excellent choice for this fight due to his high damage output and numerous invincibility frames (i-frames). While other specs like Sacrificer or Jack of All Trades might be better overall, Ichigo provides a balance of offense and defense that makes soloing Gebura manageable. Additionally, using counter dummies to activate Vasto Lorde can give you an edge in the battle, though there might be faster methods that players are still discovering.

Stage 1: Mimicry Stage

The fight against Gebura begins with the Mimicry stage. In this phase, the main skill you need to be cautious of is her projectile attack, which we’ll refer to as “Pistol.”

  • Pistol Attack: The Pistol attack heals Gebura by 20 health and deals over 200 damage to you. She frequently uses this move, especially when you first enter the room, and it has a cooldown of around 10 seconds.
  • Dodging and Countering: Ichigo’s kit includes the Getsuga Tensho (Sero Blast) and Roar, both of which grant you i-frames. Use these abilities to avoid taking damage from the Pistol attack. However, note that even if you successfully dodge, Gebura still heals, which can be frustrating.
  • Baiting Pistol: To make this stage easier, you can bait out the Pistol attack by getting a bit of distance from her and waiting until you see her animation begin. Once you get the timing down, this stage becomes much more manageable.

Stage 2: Red Mist/Gebura Stage

As the fight progresses to the Red Mist stage, Gebura will introduce new skills that can quickly turn the tide of battle if you’re not prepared.

  • Key Skills: The two main abilities to watch out for are “On Rush” and “Great Split.”
  • Baiting On Rush: On Rush can be baited out using your i-frames or your E skill. It’s crucial to practice dodging this attack with your E skill, as you’ll need to rely on it heavily in the next stage. Once you get comfortable with the timing, this stage becomes less threatening.

Stage 3: Final/Ego Stage

Upon reaching the halfway point of Gebura’s health, she will heal back to full and begin using her most dangerous skills.

  • New Skills: The abilities to be cautious of in this stage are “R,” “Great Split,” and her “Ultimate” attack, which is a one-shot kill.
  • Dodging Strategies:
    • R Attack: Bait the R attack using your E skill.
    • Great Split: When you hear the cue sound for Great Split, use one of your i-frame moves immediately. If you get hit by this move, be prepared to spam i-frame abilities to avoid getting caught in a deadly combo.
    • Ultimate: The Ultimate move can one-shot you, so it’s critical to use an i-frame ability as soon as you notice her winding up for this attack.

Video Gameplay:

Defeating Gebura is a matter of mastering the timing of her attacks and knowing when to use your i-frames. The fight can take around 20 minutes or more, depending on your familiarity with her patterns and your chosen spec. Once you’ve learned her moves and practiced the strategies outlined in this guide, soloing Gebura will become much more achievable. Remember, persistence is key, and each attempt will bring you closer to victory.


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