By Jay / / Games News

Today, we’re diving into an exciting quick build guide for Col from Sword of Convallaria (SoC). This character has truly surprised many players, including myself. I stumbled upon her while trying to pull for another unit and quickly realized her potential. Col is an assassin who can deal massive damage, crit often, and reset her actions. However, she requires careful handling, as the AI can sometimes lead her into precarious situations. Let’s explore how to maximize her effectiveness on the battlefield!

Understanding Col Strengths in Sword of Convallaria

Col’s passive skill, Killer Instinct, is what makes her a standout unit. It grants her a triple jump ability, allowing her to traverse maps easily and jump over gaps. Additionally, when she’s alone (with no allies within two tiles), her physical attack and crit chance increase by 5%. If she defeats an enemy with a back or side attack, she can act again, providing tremendous potential for consecutive strikes.

Recommended Ranks and Skills Trees for Col Sword of Convallaria

  1. Rank 1:
    • Ambush: When attacking an unharmed target, it deals 20% additional damage and disables their passives for a turn. This is vital for eliminating archers or mages before they can retaliate.
  2. Rank 3:
    • Assault: Grants 15% crit and 15% crit damage, along with a two-tile move increase. The mobility and damage boost are invaluable, but if you struggle with survivability, consider Castalia for healing and temporary invisibility.
  3. Rank 5:
    • Eerie Footwork: After receiving a single-target attack while above 70% HP, Col teleports behind her attacker, dealing 70% damage and gaining a Dodge for the next turn. This skill can turn the tide in fights.
  4. Rank 7:
    • Perfect Assassin: This aura boosts attack, defense, crit chance, and crit damage for all alacrity allies, making it essential for a team build. Omen of Death is also strong, providing increased crit and lifesteal.
  5. Rank 9:
    • Hidden Thorn: A basic attack replacement that deals 100% damage while ignoring assist attempts. Alternatively, you can choose Critical Strike for guaranteed crits.
  6. Rank 11:
    • Wipe Out: A high-damage skill dealing 180% damage that allows Col to ignore assists and gain Dodge upon defeating a target.

Gear Recommendations for Col in Sword of Convallaria

To truly harness Col’s power, equipping the right gear is crucial. If you can access her battle pass, you’ll want to get Void Stab and Maverick’s Cloak, which offer exceptional bonuses.

  • Void Stab: Boosts Col’s attack and crit significantly.
  • Maverick’s Cloak: Enhances her damage potential when attacking from four tiles away, which complements her mobility.

For survivability, consider items like Crystalized or Spring Pill. As for your Tarot Verdict of Justice, focus on increasing crit rates to amplify her damage output.

Col from Sword of Convallaria is a powerhouse assassin that can dominate in the right hands. Her ability to reset actions and jump around the battlefield makes her a versatile and deadly addition to any team. By understanding her skills and choosing the right gear, you can elevate her performance and achieve great success in battles.

GuideSword of Convallaria
About Jay
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