By Jay / / Games News

If you’re struggling to defeat the Crab Boss in Strongest Battlegrounds, you’re not alone. This boss is one of the most challenging encounters in the game, requiring both strategy and timing to conquer. But fear not! I’ve got the inside scoop on the fastest, most effective way to bring this beast down, straight from the number one player on the leaderboards. This method will have you slashing through the Crab Boss’s health bar like butter—but be warned, it might make you a target for other players in the server. Here’s how it’s done.

Strongest Battlegrounds Easiest Way to Defeat The Crab Boss: Utilizing Genos’s Ultimate

Strongest Battlegrounds

Strongest Battlegrounds

The key to defeating the Crab Boss quickly lies in leveraging Genos’s ultimate move. Genos has a unique ability where every time he kills a player with his ultimate, the move instantly refreshes, allowing him to use it again.

This is where the strategy comes in: when the Crab Boss spawns, the area gets swarmed by players. This creates the perfect environment to chain together multiple ultimates, dealing massive damage to the boss while simultaneously eliminating other players. Here’s how to execute this strategy step by step:

  1. Preparation: Before the Crab Boss spawns, focus on charging your ultimate by fighting other players. This can be done by repeatedly defeating a willing partner or targeting random players in the area.
  2. Initiating the Battle: Once the Crab Boss spawns, activate Genos’s ultimate. Position yourself in a way that you can hit both the Crab Boss and other players.
  3. Move Sequence:
    • Start with a Thunder Kick to initiate your attack. If you kill a player with this move, it will refresh.
    • Follow up with Speed Blitz Drop Kick. This move not only deals significant damage but also gives you mobility to avoid the Crab Boss’s attacks.
    • Use Flame Wave Cannon to hit the Crab Boss from a distance, ensuring you stay out of range of its heavy attacks.
    • Alternate between these moves, focusing on hitting players to refresh your ultimate.
  4. Timing is Everything: The trick is to time your moves so that you continuously refresh your ultimate by hitting players. The more you refresh, the more damage you can deal to the Crab Boss in a short amount of time.
  5. The Final Blow: As the Crab Boss’s health dwindles, you’ll want to ensure you land the final hit to secure the kill and claim the rewards. By this stage, your ultimate should be ready to deliver the finishing blow.

This method is highly effective but can attract attention, potentially leading to backlash from other players who might not appreciate your relentless approach. However, in the fast-paced world of Strongest Battlegrounds, victory is what matters most. By mastering this strategy, you’ll not only defeat the Crab Boss with ease but also cement your place as a formidable player in the game.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you refine this strategy, the quicker you’ll be able to take down the Crab Boss. Good luck, and may your ultimates be ever-refreshing!

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