A Universal Time Guide, How to Get The World

If you’re looking to add The World to your collection in A Universal Time, you’ll need to follow a series of steps that can be a bit lengthy but are definitely achievable. The World is a powerful Stand inspired by Dio from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, and it offers a strong melee attack, though its range is somewhat limited. This guide will walk you through the process of obtaining The World and provide some useful tips to get you started.
Get Shadow Dio First
Before you can get The World, you’ll need to have Shadow DIO. Here’s how to obtain Shadow DIO:
- Find Stand Arrows: Search for Fallen Meteorites scattered around the map. These meteorites contain Stand Arrows, which are necessary for your next steps.
- Collect Standless: Speak with Pucci to acquire Standless. This item is essential for the next stage of the process.
- Combine Items: Use a Stand Arrow with Standless to get Shadow DIO. Alternatively, you can summon Shadow DIO Shards from the Ability Banner, but make sure they are of the Common variant. You’ll need at least one Stand Arrow to combine them and create Shadow DIO.
Obtaining The Blood of Joseph
Once you have Shadow DIO, the next item you’ll need is the Blood of Joseph. Here’s how to get it:
- Interact with Him: Equip Shadow DIO and interact with Him in the game. Completing his quest will grant you the Blood of Joseph. This quest requires you to defeat standard DIO, drain 350 Blood, and deal and receive a total of 5,000 damage.
- Alternative Method: The Blood of Joseph can also drop from Loot Crates, though this is a less reliable method.
With the Blood of Joseph in hand, you can evolve Shadow DIO into The World. If you prefer, you can also craft The World directly if you collect five The World Shards.
Obtaining The World in A Universal Time involves a few steps, but with patience and persistence, you can add this powerful Stand to your collection. Remember, it all starts with getting Shadow DIO and then moving on to acquire the Blood of Joseph.
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