By Jay / / Games News

In Supermarket Together, setting the right price for your items can significantly impact your profits. Whether you’re new to the game or looking to optimize your store’s performance, understanding how pricing affects customer behavior is key. This guide dives into tested pricing strategies to help you make more money and manage your store efficiently.

Supermarket Together Guide Pricing Strategies

Effective pricing is essential for maximizing your daily income in Supermarket Together. Based on extensive testing over 24 in-game days, here’s what we discovered about different pricing strategies and their impact on revenue and customer satisfaction.

Strategy 1: Slightly Overpricing Items

Overview: Price items 20 to 30 cents above the market price without drawing too many complaints from customers.


  • Cheaper Items: For products priced under $5, a 20-cent increase works well.
  • Mid-Range Items: For products between $5 and $10, a 30-cent increase is optimal.

Results: This strategy maintains a balance between income and customer satisfaction. It was effective in the initial tests, with a modest increase in revenue while keeping customer complaints manageable.

Strategy 2: Significant Overpricing for Expensive Items

Overview: Increase the price of more expensive items ($10 or more) by $1 to $2 above the market price.


  • Initial Testing: Overpricing by $1 for items costing more than $10 yielded a decent income increase without a sharp rise in “too expensive” complaints.
  • Further Testing: Increasing prices by $2 led to more significant customer dissatisfaction and a sharp decline in overall income. A $3 increase significantly pushed the “too expensive” complaints, leading to only marginal gains in income.

Results: While this strategy showed some potential, it was less effective than initially anticipated. Excessive overpricing can backfire, leading to decreased sales and increased complaints.

Strategy 3: Matching Market Prices

Overview: Set your prices exactly at the market value for each item.


  • Testing Results: This approach showed a lower income increase compared to the strategies involving slight overpricing. The average income difference was about $110 less compared to the most successful strategy.

Results: Matching the market price might seem like a safe bet, but it doesn’t necessarily yield higher profits. The reduction in sales volume offsets the potential income increase from higher prices.

The Optimal Pricing Formula Supermarket Together Guide

Based on extensive testing, the following pricing formula emerged as the most effective strategy:

  • Items Under $5: Price at market value plus 20 cents.
  • Items Between $5 and $10: Price at market value plus 30 cents.
  • Items Over $10: Price at market value plus $1.

Performance: This strategy achieved an average income of $4,095, with a balanced number of satisfied customers. It combines moderate overpricing for expensive items with competitive pricing for cheaper items, striking a good balance between revenue and customer satisfaction.

After 24 in-game days of testing various pricing strategies, the final recommended approach is to maintain market prices for cheaper items while applying a $1 increase to more expensive products. This strategy provides a good balance between maximizing income and keeping customer satisfaction at a reasonable level.

GuideSupermarket Together
About Jay
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