17 Myths and Facts The Strongest Battlegrounds Summer Update

With the release of the summer update for The Strongest Battlegrounds, players have been eager to explore new features and debunk myths surrounding the latest additions. This update brought a plethora of new content, including a crab boss battle, a brand-new KJ wall combo, and dynamic map destruction. Here, we dissect 30 myths that have emerged from this update to see which ones hold water.
The Strongest Battlegrounds Summer Update Myths and Facts
1. Gojo’s Wall Combo One-Shots with Zero Damage Multiplier
- Myth: Gojo’s new wall combo move can still one-shot players even with the damage multiplier set to zero.
- Fact: Testing this myth involved setting the damage multiplier to zero and using Gojo’s wall combo on a dummy. The dummy initially showed no damage, but upon respawning, it was defeated. Therefore, this myth is confirmed: Gojo’s wall combo indeed one-shots players regardless of the damage multiplier.
2. Infinite Use of Gojo’s Attract Move
- Myth: Holding down the attack key while using Gojo’s Attract move allows infinite use.
- Fact: By holding down the mouse button, the Attract move was continuously activated, which indeed allowed for prolonged use. However, it does not work on water, indicating that this myth is partially true.
3. Flinging the Crab Boss Out of the Map
- Myth: Using Tatsumaki’s Sky Snatcher move to throw the crab boss out of the map will defeat it and grant its move set.
- Fact: Successfully throwing the crab boss out of the map led to its defeat and allowed the player to equip the crab boss move set. This myth is confirmed as true, providing a potentially game-breaking method to defeat the crab boss.
4. Death Counter with Multiple Saitama Moves
- Myth: Multiple players can use Death Counter simultaneously to defeat the crab.
- Fact: Testing showed that simultaneous Death Counters by multiple players indeed resulted in a successful defeat of the crab. This myth is confirmed as true.
5. Splash Effect from Downs Slam in Water
- Myth: Downs Slam causes a splash effect when performed in water.
- Fact: Downs Slam in water did produce a splash effect, confirming this myth as true.
6. Swimming Behind the Waterfall
- Myth: Players can swim behind the waterfall in the game.
- Fact: Using parkour techniques to reach behind the waterfall, players found they could swim, confirming this myth as true.
7. How to Trigger a Tsunami
- Myth: There is a hidden tsunami event at the beach.
- Fact: Despite some claims and screenshots suggesting a tsunami, no such event currently exists in the game. This myth is busted.
8. Subscribing to Stud Grants Extra Aura Points
- Myth: Subscribing to Stud provides a significant boost of 10 million Aura points.
- Fact: This myth is a joke; subscribing does not grant additional Aura points.
9. Interrupting Ultimate Moves with Earth Splitting Strike
- Myth: The Earth Splitting Strike can interrupt the final hunt move of the new martial artist ultimate mode.
- Fact: Testing revealed that the final hunt move was not interrupted by Earth Splitting Strike, confirming this myth as false.
10. Killing the Crab Boss with Sorcerer Move for Immediate Move Set
- Myth: Killing the crab boss with the Sorcerer move set immediately grants access to the crab boss move set.
- Fact: Killing the crab boss with Sorcerer moves did not grant the move set immediately; players still needed to defeat the boss legitimately. This myth is busted.
11. Gojo’s Wall Combo Finisher
- Myth: Gojo’s new wall combo includes a finisher move.
- Fact: The Gojo wall combo does not include a separate finisher move; it simply delivers an instant kill. This myth is false.
12. Using Crab Boss Move Set in Public Servers
- Myth: After defeating the crab boss in a private server, you can use the crab boss move set in public servers.
- Fact: Even though players can use the crab move set in private servers, it does not carry over to public servers. This myth is false.
13. Death Counter Works on the Crab
- Myth: The Death Counter move can be used on the crab boss.
- Fact: Death Counter does work on the crab boss, confirming this myth as true, though it does not inflict significant damage.
14. Ryu’s Ultimate Move Through Death Counter
- Myth: Ryu’s new ultimate move can bypass the Death Counter.
- Fact: Ryu’s ultimate move does not bypass Death Counter, making this myth false.
15. Player Crabs vs. Boss Crabs Health
- Myth: Player-controlled crabs have more health than boss crabs.
- Fact: Player crabs have less health compared to boss crabs, confirming this myth as true.
16. Secret Sea Monster Boss Behind the Waterfall
- Myth: A secret sea monster boss can be found behind the waterfall.
- Fact: There is no sea monster boss behind the waterfall; this myth is false.
17. Beach Balls Can Be Picked Up and Used
- Myth: Players can pick up and use beach balls from the beach.
- Fact: Beach balls cannot be picked up or used, proving this myth false.
The summer update for The Strongest Battlegrounds has introduced a host of exciting new features and content. While many myths surrounding these new additions have been debunked, others have proven to be true, offering new strategies and experiences for players. Stay tuned for future updates as the game continues to evolve and new myths emerge.
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