By Jay / / Games News

Anime Defenders Update 5 introduces the highly anticipated Evolved Secret Poseidon, now known as Sea Sovereign. This guide will help you understand how to acquire and evolve Sea Sovereign, explore his impressive abilities, and provide tips on maximizing his effectiveness in battles.

Anime Defenders How to Obtain and Evolve Poseidon Sea Sovereign

  1. Obtaining Secret Poseidon:
    • Summoning: Secret Poseidon can be acquired through summoning in the game. This may involve using tokens or participating in special events. Given his rarity, be prepared for a considerable investment in resources or time.
    • Trading: Initially, Secret Poseidon is not tradeable, unlike some units. You must summon him directly or obtain him through in-game activities.
  2. Evolving to Sea Sovereign:
    • Requirements: To evolve Secret Poseidon into Sea Sovereign, you will need:
      • Trident: Crafting.
      • Three Rainbow Star Shards: These are rare and can be obtained through various in-game activities or events.
    • Process: Once you have these items, go to the evolution menu and select Secret Poseidon for evolution. This will transform him into Sea Sovereign, enhancing his stats and abilities.

Anime Defenders Sea Sovereign’s Abilities and Stats

Evolved Sea Sovereign boasts powerful abilities and impressive stats. Here’s a detailed look at what makes him a formidable unit:

  1. Base Stats:
    • At Level 1: Sea Sovereign starts with 5,600 damage on placement, a range of 20.3, and a SPA (Seconds Per Attack) of 4.5. These initial stats make him a solid choice for early and mid-game scenarios.
  2. Abilities:
    • Shark Frenzy (Upgrade 3): This ability enlarges Sea Sovereign’s AOE (Area of Effect) and causes a splash attack. It also slows enemies, making it effective for crowd control.
    • Trident Throw (Upgrade 5): Sea Sovereign throws his trident, dealing significant damage while continuing to slow enemies. This ability enhances his crowd control and damage output.
    • Trident Barrage (Upgrade 7): This upgrade transforms his attack into a multi-hit barrage, increasing his effectiveness against groups of enemies.
    • Tsunami (Upgrade 9): Sea Sovereign unleashes a large line AOE attack, dealing splash damage to a broad area. This ability remains effective for slowing enemies.
    • Wave Charge (Upgrade 11): Sea Sovereign’s final ability provides a full AOE attack, making him extremely versatile and powerful. The attack is accompanied by impressive VFX (Visual Effects), adding to his visual appeal.
  3. Maxed Stats:
    • At Level 78: Sea Sovereign’s maxed stats are 59,674 damage, 7.7 SPA, and 35.2 range. His final form is highly effective, with strong damage output and a considerable range.

Tips for Using Sea Sovereign Anime Defenders

  1. Strategic Placement: Place Sea Sovereign in areas where he can cover the maximum number of enemy paths. His large AOE abilities make him ideal for managing waves of enemies and dealing with bosses.
  2. Combining Abilities: Use Sea Sovereign’s crowd control abilities in conjunction with other high-damage units to handle large waves and tough enemies effectively. His slowing effect is particularly useful in controlling the pace of battles.
  3. Evolving and Ranking: Ensure you evolve Sea Sovereign to unlock his full potential and rank up his stats to maximize his effectiveness. Continue to upgrade and optimize his abilities to maintain his meta status in the game.

Sea Sovereign is a game-changing unit in Anime Defenders Update 5, offering powerful abilities and impressive stats. With his crowd control, high damage output, and extensive AOE capabilities, he is a valuable addition to any team. Follow this guide to obtain, evolve, and effectively use Sea Sovereign, and stay tuned for further updates and showcases.

Anime DefendersGuide
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