How to Obtain Haoshoku Haki, and Sukuna V2 in Ijul Piece Update 4

Sukuna V2 Ijul PieceSukuna V2 Ijul Piece

Sukuna V2 Ijul Piece

Ijul Piece Update 4 has introduced several exciting new features and items for players to explore. This guide will walk you through the process of obtaining the Haoshoku Haki, Sukuna V2, and other key updates in the game. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your gameplay with powerful abilities or simply looking to experience the new content, this guide will help you navigate the latest additions effectively.

How to Get Sukuna V2 Ijul Piece Update 4

Sukuna V2 is a powerful new spec in Ijul Piece, but acquiring it requires some effort. Here’s how you can get your hands on it:

  1. Curse Fingers: To obtain Sukuna V2, you need 19 Curse Fingers and one Hy Era Eye. There are three methods to collect Curse Fingers:
    • Defeating Sukuna POS: The Sukuna POS has a 0.5% chance of dropping a Curse Finger when defeated.
    • Gacha Spins: You can obtain Curse Fingers from Gacha items at the spawn location with a 0.925% drop rate. Simply spend in-game currency and keep spinning until you get the Curse Finger.
    • Wishing at the Mythical Spear: Located at the Padang Pyramid, this method involves wishing with seven random items. There is a chance that one of these wishes will provide you with a Curse Finger.
  2. Heian Eye: The Heian Eye can be obtained by defeating the Heian Eye Sukuna boss. This boss has a 0.1% chance of dropping the Heian Eye, which is necessary for acquiring Sukuna V2.
  3. Sukuna Equiped

Ijul Piece 2 Update 4 Haoshoku Haki Guide

The highly sought-after Haoshoku Haki can be obtained through the Tra Gacha with a 0.1% chance when rolling for Celestial Traits. Given its rarity, acquiring Haoshoku Haki requires patience and a bit of luck. If you’re using cheats or admin tools, you may have an easier time, but otherwise, expect a significant grind.

New Features in Ijul Piece 2 Update 4

1. Level Milestone Rewards

Update 4 introduces a rewarding system for reaching level milestones. Players now earn 1,000 Diamonds for every 50 levels they achieve. This system also retroactively rewards players who reached these milestones before the update, providing them with the Diamonds they’ve earned.

2. Trade Storage

A new Trade Storage feature has been added, located at Buggy Town on the rooftop. There are two storage options:

  • Free Storage: This option allows for basic trade storage at no cost.
  • Game Pass Storage: For 500 Diamonds, players can access enhanced storage with additional features.

3. Mythical Crate

The Mythical Crate is another new addition, with a 0.8% chance to drop the Hy Era Sukuna spec. Opening these crates provides random mythical items, which could include valuable upgrades or abilities.

4. Dark Island

The Dark Island is now available as a new leveling spot. It requires 2,500 Diamonds to access and features an NPC that drops the Demon Crown. This crown is necessary to spawn the Hy Era Sukuna boss, adding another layer of challenge and reward.

Ijul Piece Update 4 has brought a wealth of new content and features that enhance the gameplay experience. From acquiring the formidable Sukuna V2 to rolling for the rare Haoshoku Haki, players have plenty of exciting challenges and rewards to look forward to. By following this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to make the most of the new update and stay ahead in your Ijul Piece journey.

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