Meme Sea Guide, How to Get Race v2

Meme Sea Guide, How to Get Race v2

In the ever-evolving world of Meme Sea, selecting the optimal race can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. With a variety of races offering unique buffs and abilities, understanding the strengths of each can help you make the best choice for your adventures. Whether you’re new to the game or a seasoned player looking to optimize your performance, this guide will break down the key features of each race, how to acquire them, and how to evolve them for maximum benefit.

Meme Sea Races Overview

Rabbit 🐰


  • V1: Boosts speed and dash capabilities.
  • V2: Further enhances speed and dash, with a special ability that grants a tremendous speed boost for 7.5 seconds.

The Rabbit race excels in mobility, making it ideal for players who prioritize fast movement and swift navigation. Its V2 upgrade significantly amplifies these traits, allowing for even quicker escapes and rapid traversal across the game’s expansive maps.

Fish 🐟


  • V1: Provides immunity to water damage.
  • V2: Enables fast swimming with an ability that reduces all damage taken by 80% for 7.5 seconds.

The Fish race is perfect for aquatic environments, offering protection against water-based attacks and a significant defensive boost with its V2 ability. This makes it an excellent choice for underwater exploration and combat situations where damage reduction is crucial.

Bird 🐦


  • V1: Boosts jump height and sky jump capabilities.
  • V2: Grants up to 18 sky jumps and an ability that provides infinite sky jumps while healing your HP.

Birds are the go-to race for aerial maneuverability. Their V2 form is particularly powerful, allowing for endless sky jumps and sustained healing, which can be a game-changer in high-altitude battles or during long-distance aerial travel.

Human 👤


  • V1: No special buffs.
  • V2: Not available.

Humans currently lack a V2 upgrade, and their base form offers no additional benefits. As such, they are generally considered less favorable compared to the other races with more impactful abilities.

How to Obtain and Evolve Races Meme Sea

Getting Race V2

To evolve your race to V2, you’ll need to visit Snow Island and speak with the Quest Giver, Dancing Banana. Complete the quest by defeating 100 Sogas, and you’ll receive an Awakening Orb. Use this orb to evolve your race to its V2 form. Note that once you awaken a race, it will remain permanently evolved even if you switch to it later.

Changing Your Race

To change your current race, visit the Watermelon Man on Floppa Island. Here, you can roll for a new race using 250 gems. The chances of obtaining each race are evenly distributed at 25%:

  • Bird
  • Fish
  • Rabbit
  • Human

Choosing the right race in Meme Sea can greatly influence your gameplay strategy and overall enjoyment. Each race offers distinct advantages, from the speed boosts of the Rabbit to the defensive capabilities of the Fish and the aerial prowess of the Bird. Understanding these traits and how to evolve them will help you tailor your gameplay experience to your preferred play style. Whether you aim for agility, defense, or aerial dominance, selecting the optimal race and upgrading it to V2 can give you a significant edge in your adventures.

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