By Jay / / Games News

A brand-new hero has just been introduced in the Chinese test server of Honor of Kings, and she’s already making waves in the community. Her name is Ying, which translates to “Shadow” in English. Since her official English name is still unconfirmed, we’ll refer to her as Shadow in this discussion.

Shadow is a versatile Fighter, recommended for both the Clash Lane and Jungle. Although her stats and abilities are still in the testing phase and may change in future updates, let’s dive into what makes her such an exciting addition to the game.

Honor of Kings Shadow’s Skill Explanation

Shadow’s kit revolves around her ability to adapt to different combat situations, making her a formidable opponent in both ranged and melee encounters.

Basic Attack: Dual-Mode Offense

Shadow’s basic attack has two modes depending on her distance from the target. When she is far away, she throws a spinning blade. If she strikes again while the blade is returning, she closes the distance to the target and quickly rebounds the blade for an additional hit. In close combat, Shadow switches to melee mode, attacking faster and leaving a mark on the target with each hit. This mark synergizes with her second skill, increasing the damage output.

First Skill: Frenzy Dance

Shadow’s first skill is a sweeping attack that damages and slows enemies in a circle around her. After this, she enters a frenzied state, boosting her movement and attack speed for a short time. This skill is ideal for both initiating battles and chasing down fleeing enemies, making it a versatile tool in her arsenal.

Second Skill: Feather Storm

The second skill sees Shadow charging forward, knocking back enemies and dealing damage. If enemies are ahead, she launches ricocheting blades that hit multiple times, dealing damage and slightly healing her with each hit. Each hit also removes a passive mark from the target, causing additional damage. If her ultimate is active during this skill, the final hit deals double damage. Impressively, Shadow can move while attacking, and if she misses her target, 50% of the cooldown is refunded.

Ultimate: The Last Dance

Shadow’s ultimate ability is a powerful attack that deals damage to nearby enemies and boosts her movement speed. Additionally, her long-range attack is greatly extended. She then enters a four-second unyielding state, gaining temporary health and doubling her healing effects. Notably, if she dies while her ultimate isn’t on cooldown, she will slowly revive, damaging nearby enemies and triggering the cooldown of the ultimate. This effectively allows her to revive every time her ultimate is available, adding a layer of durability that can be game-changing in team fights.

Shadow Honor of Kings HOK Skill Showcase

Shadow’s introduction to Honor of Kings brings a unique blend of ranged and melee capabilities, making her a highly adaptable hero in various scenarios. Her second skill, with its ricocheting blades and healing potential, paired with her powerful ultimate that allows for resurrection, makes her a force to be reckoned with. However, as Shadow is still in the testing phase, her skills and stats may undergo changes before her official release.


GuideHonor of Kings
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