Doors Floor 2 Update Guide, Crucifix Entities to Banish and Stun

The latest update to DOORS has introduced an exciting new floor, “The Mines,” and with it comes the enhanced use of the Crucifix. This powerful item can banish or temporarily stun entities, each with unique and captivating animations. If you’re curious about how the Crucifix interacts with every entity on Floor 2, you’re in the right place. Here’s a detailed guide on what to expect when using the Crucifix on various entities.

Crucifix Doors Floor 2 Update

1. Giggle

The Crucifix’s interaction with Giggle showcases a dramatic effect. When used, Giggle is banished with a distinct animation that highlights the entity’s comical nature while dealing with the Crucifix’s power.

2. Gloombats

Gloombats, known for their swarm-like behavior, respond to the Crucifix with an impressive visual effect. The animation demonstrates how the Crucifix disrupts their swarming motion and sends them away temporarily.

3. Dupe

When used on Dupe, the Crucifix reveals a unique animation that emphasizes the entity’s role in misleading players. The banishment or stun effect here is accompanied by a clear visual cue that distinguishes it from other entities.

4. Screech

The Screech entity, notorious for its sudden appearances, has a special Crucifix interaction. The animation shows Screech being momentarily stunned or banished, offering players a brief respite from its unsettling presence.

5. Seek

Seek, one of the more challenging entities, reacts to the Crucifix with a dramatic animation that highlights its formidable nature. The Crucifix can temporarily stun Seek, making it a valuable tool during intense encounters.

6. Grumble

Grumble, the evolved form of Giggles, has a distinctive Crucifix interaction. The animation for Grumble showcases its mature design, with the Crucifix having a clear effect on its aggressive behavior.

7. Halt

Halt’s interaction with the Crucifix is noteworthy. The animation here demonstrates how the Crucifix affects its movement, providing players with a strategic advantage when dealing with this entity.

8. Dread

Although not originally from the hotel, Dread’s Crucifix animation is part of the updated visuals in Floor 2. The animation shows how the Crucifix disrupts Dread, adding to the entity’s intimidating presence.

The Crucifix in DOORS Floor 2 brings a fresh dynamic to dealing with entities. Each interaction is marked by unique animations that enhance the gameplay experience. From the banishment of Giggle to the temporary stun of Seek, the Crucifix proves to be a versatile tool in navigating the challenges of “The Mines.” For those eager to see these interactions in action, check out the video linked above. It’s a great way to understand how the Crucifix affects different entities and adds depth to your gameplay strategy.

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