Liu Bang Honor of Kings Skill Explanation Guide

Exciting news for Honor of Kings enthusiasts: the global server is about to welcome a new hero, Liu Bang. This formidable tank is set to make a significant impact with his unique abilities, offering both solid frontline defense and versatile support options. In this article, we’ll delve into Liu Bang’s skills and provide you with a detailed preview to help you prepare for his arrival.
Liu Bang’s Abilities Overview – Honor of Kings Skill Explanation
Liu Bang’s skill set is designed to excel in both the Clash Lane and as a roaming support hero. His abilities make him a reliable tank with the capacity to turn the tide of battle through strategic play. Here’s a breakdown of his key skills:
1. Basic Attack – Monarch Ambition
Liu Bang’s basic attacks accumulate marks over time. Each second he attacks, he gains a mark, which is used to enhance his next attack. Once he reaches four marks, his subsequent attack transforms into a powerful ranged strike, dealing increased magic damage. This mechanic ensures that Liu Bang can dish out substantial damage after building up his marks, making him a significant threat in prolonged engagements.
2. First Skill – Shield of Hegemony
Liu Bang’s first skill allows him to create a protective shield around himself for five seconds. This shield absorbs incoming damage and, upon expiration or being deactivated early, bursts to deal magic damage to nearby enemies. If the shield is broken before its duration ends, it still inflicts half the damage to enemies. This ability not only provides durability but also offers offensive utility with its burst damage effect.
3. Second Skill – Double Threat
The second skill enables Liu Bang to charge forward with his sword, striking and stunning enemies for 0.75 seconds. The skill’s damage and range increase with the charge time, up to a maximum of four seconds. If Liu Bang cancels the charge or the skill is interrupted, he will receive a 40% cooldown refund. This skill is effective for both initiating combat and disrupting enemy formations.
4. Ultimate Skill – Dominate the Battlefield
Liu Bang’s ultimate skill is a game-changer, allowing him to select a teammate and teleport to their location after a 2.2-second chant. Upon arrival, Liu Bang grants a substantial shield to the ally, heals himself and nearby allies, boosts his movement speed, and fully charges his second skill for 10 seconds. The ultimate can also be recast after a short chant to instantly teleport with a damaging explosion instead of healing. This skill provides crucial support in battles and serves as a valuable escape tool when surrounded.
Liu Bang Skill Video Information Showcase
Liu Bang is poised to be a game-changing hero in Honor of Kings with his unique abilities and versatile playstyle. His capacity to absorb damage, control enemies, and provide crucial support through strategic teleportation makes him a strong addition to any roster. As you prepare for his release, consider how his skill set can complement your team and adapt to various combat scenarios.
GuideHonor of KingsLiu Bang