By Jay / / Games News

Risk of Rain 2’s Seekers DLC introduces a thrilling new challenge with the False Sun boss. This guide will walk you through the steps to spawn green portals and ultimately face the False Sun, ensuring you’re well-prepared for this epic showdown.

Risk of Rain 2 Guide on How to Find and Activate the Pillar

To initiate the process leading to the False Sun boss fight, you need to locate a special pillar on the first stage of the Seekers DLC. This pillar is guaranteed to appear, although it may not always be immediately visible. If you don’t spot it right away, continue exploring the stage until you do.

  1. Locate the Pillar: The pillar will appear on the stage but might not be fully activated. You don’t need to complete it entirely; activating it to the point where you can reactivate it later is sufficient.
  2. Activation Process: Once you interact with the pillar, it will activate and you will need to fight a new enemy, the House Knight. Defeat this enemy to proceed.

Accessing the Green Portal

After defeating the House Knight, a green portal will spawn.

  1. Portal Access: The green portal will appear after you’ve defeated the House Knight. You don’t need to take this portal immediately; you can continue looting the stage and completing any other objectives.
  2. Entering the Portal: Once you’re ready, enter the green portal. This will transport you to a sequence of two regular stages. Complete these stages to advance further.

After finishing the two regular stages within the green portal, you’ll be transported to the Prime Meridian. Here’s how to navigate this area:

  1. Navigating the Prime Meridian: Follow the path upwards to reach the arena where the final boss fight will take place.
  2. Using Mobility: If you’re playing a character with high mobility, such as the Survivor or Seeker, you can scale the mountain directly without having to interact with the pillars along the way. The pillars primarily serve to remove slow debuffs and provide a small barrier boost.

Preparing for the Final Boss Fight

  1. Final Preparations: Before engaging the False Sun, make sure to gather any useful items and upgrades. You will encounter some cauldrons before the final boss arena, which can provide valuable resources and support.
  2. The Boss Fight: Once you reach the top of the arena, you’ll be ready to face the False Sun. Ensure you are fully prepared for this challenging encounter.

Video Guide How to Find and Activate the Pillar

By following these steps, you’ll be able to efficiently spawn green portals and reach the False Sun boss in Risk of Rain 2’s Seekers DLC. Remember, preparation and understanding the layout of the stages are key to overcoming this formidable challenge.

GuideRisk of Rain 2
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