Toilet Tower Defense Has 1 Buggy Unit That Will Reduce Cooldown Significantly

Toilet Tower Defense Guide

In a recent leak video by popular Roblox YouTuber, Telanthric, a surprising revelation surfaced regarding a glitched unit in Toilet Tower Defense. During what seemed like a routine update video, Telanthric casually mentioned that certain units in the game are currently experiencing glitches, sparking a wave of curiosity and speculation among players. One unit in particular, the Bunny Mech Titan, appears to be at the center of this issue.

The Bunny Mech Titan Glitch

According to Telanthric, the Bunny Mech Titan—a unit introduced during the Easter event—has a bug that allows players to lower its cooldown significantly.

This is achieved through a specific strategy: players can place the unit, use its ability, sell it, and then replace it to reset and reduce the cooldown. Repeating this process several times enables players to utilize the Bunny Mech’s ability more frequently, which can help them progress much further in endless mode.

This glitch has remained unfixed, despite being known by the developers, and players have started to exploit this mechanic to improve their chances in the game. As one might expect, this strategy could give players an unfair advantage, and it raises concerns about the balance of the game.

Community Reaction

Many players are now questioning whether Telanthric intended to reveal this glitch so openly. The admission has caused a stir, with some wondering if the developers will address the issue now that it’s widely known. On the other hand, some players are eager to test the glitch themselves, curious to see how much further they can get in endless mode using this exploit.

Several community members have already begun experimenting with the Bunny Mech Titan, following Telanthric’s instructions to see if the cooldown glitch indeed works. Early feedback suggests that the cooldown does decrease noticeably after multiple uses of the ability-resell-replace cycle, though the effects may be difficult to observe during normal gameplay.

What’s Next?

Now that the glitch is public, it remains to be seen whether the developers will fix it or leave it as is. Glitches like this can drastically affect game balance, especially in competitive modes like endless.

For now, players are divided—some are using the glitch to their advantage, while others wait for an official fix. Either way, Telanthric’s casual reveal has certainly shaken up the Toilet Tower Defense community, leaving many wondering if there are other glitches still lurking in the game.

If you’re a player, it might be worth keeping an eye on future updates or patches, as the developers may take action soon. Until then, it’s up to you whether to exploit the glitch or avoid it altogether in the name of fair play.

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