Devas of Creation Guide, How to Use Magic and Become Magician?

Devas of Creations Guide

In Devas of Creation, magic is a powerful and versatile tool that can dramatically enhance your gameplay. Becoming a magician allows you to cast devastating spells, heal allies, and control the battlefield with magical abilities. If you’re looking to master the art of magic, this guide will walk you through how to obtain the necessary equipment, use magic effectively, and thrive as a magician in the game.

Devas of Creation How to Use Magic

Obtaining Your Magic Weapon: The Wand, Rod, and Staff

To use magic in Devas of Creation, you first need to acquire a wand, the primary weapon that enables spellcasting. There are two main ways to obtain a wand: purchasing it or crafting it.

1. Buying

The easiest and quickest way to get your hands on a wand is by purchasing it in the game. Head to the nearest town, which is Viridice Town. Here, you can buy a wand from a merchant for around 1,000 Soul Essence, the in-game currency. Soul Essence can be earned by defeating various enemies, so before making your purchase, you’ll need to gather enough by battling monsters in the surrounding areas.

2. Crafting

If you prefer a more self-sufficient approach, you can craft your wand. Crafting requires gathering the necessary materials from enemies, quests, or resource nodes found throughout the game world. Crafting a wand may take more time and effort than buying one, but it allows for more customization and potentially stronger stats.

3. Questing

By following the quest, you will be able to get 1 Fire Staff Easily.

4. Chest

By Opening a chest hidden in the open world game, you might be able to get some wand or staff albeit pretty rare.

Understanding Magic in Devas of Creation

Once you have your wand, you can begin using magic in Devas of Creation. However, simply wielding a wand doesn’t make you a powerful magician; understanding how to effectively use your magic is key.

To cast spells, you will need Mana, the resource that fuels all magical abilities. Keep an eye on your mana pool, as running out will prevent you from using your spells. Managing your mana through intelligent spell usage and items that regenerate mana is crucial.

Currently depending on your wand, there are 3 types of magic in the game, Celestial Wand which will heal and buff, fire staff with tons of damage, and Ice wand with the abilities to debuff your enemies with CC skill.

Stats and Skills for Magicians

To be an effective magician, you’ll need to prioritize certain stats that enhance your magical abilities. Focus on these core stats:

  • Intelligence: This increases your overall magical power, allowing your spells to deal more damage.
  • Wisdom: Boosts your mana regeneration, ensuring you have enough resources to keep casting spells during extended fights.
  • Constitution: While not directly tied to magic, Constitution helps increase your survivability, which is crucial for staying alive in difficult encounters.

Additionally, invest skill points into abilities that amplify your magical prowess. Unlocking and upgrading spells that fit your playstyle—whether it’s offense, defense, or support—will greatly improve your effectiveness as a magician.

Tips for Mastering Magic in Devas of Creation

  1. Manage Your Mana: Keep an eye on your mana bar and avoid overusing spells, especially in long fights. Use mana potions or regeneration items when necessary.
  2. Choose Your Spells Wisely: Depending on the situation, you’ll need to adapt your spell selection. For example, in group settings, focus on healing and crowd control, while solo play may call for offensive magic.
  3. Positioning Is Key: As a magician, you’ll want to stay at a distance from your enemies. Use your spells strategically while keeping a safe distance from melee attackers.

Becoming a magician in Devas of Creation opens up a world of possibilities for both solo and group play. By obtaining a wand, mastering the different types of magic, and wisely managing your stats and mana, you can dominate the battlefield with powerful spells. Whether you’re dealing damage from afar, healing allies, or controlling the battlefield, your role as a magician is essential to success in the game.

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