Roblox Doors Glitch Entities Guide, How to Spawn and What it Does?

In Doors, there’s a mysterious entity known as the Glitch. If you’ve encountered it and wondered what it is, this guide will clear things up. Let’s dive into what the Glitch entity is all about.

The Glitch entity might sound like a typical game bug, but it’s actually a specific character in Doors. It resembles Seek, with a human-shaped body, but it’s surrounded by glitchy, square-like distortions. Unlike Seek, the Glitch entity doesn’t have eyes. So, it’s not something you need to run from. Instead, it’s more of a game mechanic than a traditional enemy.

What Does the Glitch Entity Do?

Doors Glitch Entities

The Glitch entity can appear on any floor in the game, including special areas like The Backdoor and The Rooms. Its main role is to handle situations where a room doesn’t load correctly. Rather than causing a game-breaking issue, the Glitch entity serves as a unique fix for these errors.

Here’s how it works: If a room fails to load properly, the Glitch entity appears and sends you to a different room. This action prevents your progress from being blocked by a loading issue. In earlier versions of the game, the Glitch entity used to deal damage (about 10 to 40 DMG), but this was changed. Now, it doesn’t harm you, making it more of a helper than a threat.

Before the Glitch entity shows up, you’ll see a glitchy filter on your screen. This serves as a warning that it’s about to move you to a different room. Interestingly, if you’re using a Revive while being chased by Seek, the Glitch entity will swoop in and assist. It’s a nice touch from the developers, turning a potential game-breaking bug into a helpful feature.

What Should You Do When You See the Glitch Entity?

If you encounter the Glitch entity on Floor 1 or Floor 2, there’s no need to worry. It’s simply the game’s way of indicating that a glitch has occurred. It’s a clever way of handling bugs and adds a bit of character to the game.


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