Devas of Creation Guide, Easy Way to Level Up from 1 to 50!

With the release of Devas of Creation after two years of development, players are eager to dive in and start leveling up efficiently. Whether you’re a newcomer or a returning player, optimizing your leveling strategy is crucial for a smooth and speedy progression. This guide provides the best methods to level up from 1 to 50, focusing on key strategies and locations to maximize your experience gains.
Devas of Creation Level Guide Easy from 1 to 50
Levels 1–10: Early Progression – Follow the Main Storyline
During the initial stages of the game, it’s recommended to follow the main storyline quests until you reach level 10. Although story quests currently offer a lower experience yield compared to other methods, they provide essential rewards and set the foundation for your character’s development.
Tip: Make sure to complete any available tutorials and introductory quests, as these often grant additional experience and helpful starting gear.
Levels 10–20: Efficient Grinding
1. Unlock Waypoints
After reaching level 10, it’s advantageous to unlock waypoints to facilitate faster travel and reduce downtime between grinding sessions.
2. Farm Non-Humanoid Monsters
In this level range, the best approach is to focus on non-humanoid monsters. These creatures generally have predictable attack patterns: they use a swing attack that should be parried and a magic ball that needs to be dodged. Parry their swing, avoid their magic ball, and then attack to efficiently take them down.
Tip: Group up multiple monsters to maximize your experience per kill. For example, gather around five soldiers or werewolves and defeat them in clusters.
Levels 20–40: Advanced Grinding Locations Werewolf Farming
Around level 20, transition to farming werewolves. These creatures are highly efficient for leveling due to their density in certain areas. Use the same grouping strategy as before—gather several werewolves together and eliminate them to quickly accumulate experience.
Tip: Continuously group and kill werewolves to maintain a steady experience gain. Their higher density in specific areas makes them ideal for this level range.
Levels 40–50: Maximizing Experience Head to the Catacombs
When you reach level 40, your next destination should be the catacombs. Follow the signs in the forest to locate this area. In the catacombs, you can group up to nine monsters at once, making it a prime location for efficient grinding.
Tip: Utilize your skills to manage multiple enemies simultaneously and maintain high experience gains. The catacombs’ monster density ensures that you can farm efficiently even in higher levels.
Leveling up efficiently in Devas of Creation involves a combination of following the main storyline, optimizing grinding locations, and utilizing effective strategies for grouping and defeating enemies. By progressing through the game with these tips, you can swiftly reach level 50 and be well-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
Devas of CreationGuide