By Jay / / Games News

Welcome, Tamers! In this guide, we will dive into the essential steps for completing the Bacomon quest in Digital Tamers 2. This guide is designed for beginners and will cover all necessary aspects, from unlocking key NPCs to the final steps for completing the quest. Whether you’re new to the game or seeking to optimize your gameplay, this guide will ensure you’re well-prepared.

If you’re just starting out in Digital Tamers 2, there are a few foundational tasks you’ll need to complete to progress effectively. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:

  1. Digimon Defeated Count: Your progress is influenced by the number of Digimon you’ve defeated. This metric is crucial for unlocking new NPCs and quests. Regularly engage in battles to increase this count, as it impacts which NPCs will spawn in your game.
  2. NPC Recruitment: Certain NPCs, including those necessary for the Bacomon quest, require a specific number of Digimon recruits. Keep track of your recruitment status to ensure you meet these requirements.

Bacomon Quest Digital Tamers 2 Guide Step By Step

1. Completing the Dron Quest

Digital Tamers Bacomon

Before you can embark on the Bacomon quest, you must complete the Dron Quest. Here’s how:

  • Collect Golden Acorn: To unlock the Dron Quest, you need three Golden Acorn. These rare items drop from trees in the Dino area. Golden Acorn are not guaranteed to drop immediately, so be patient and persistent.
  • Unlocking Challenge Mode: Once you’ve gathered the Golden Acorn, visit the Dragon NPC at the Lockin Village. Present the Golden Acorn to unlock Challenge Mode, which is essential for accessing higher-level content and NPCs.

2. Engaging with Snimon and Bacomon

Digital Tamers Bacomon

  1. Snimon Quest:
    • After unlocking Challenge Mode, you will need to complete additional tasks involving the Snimon NPC. Snimon is integral for progressing towards the Bacomon quest.
    • Expedition: Send Snimon on an expedition to gather Digiwood. This process takes about 15 minutes. Once Snimon returns, use the collected Digiwood to open new shops fpr Palmon in Village.
  2. Bacomon Quest:
    • Triggering Bacomon: To make Bacomon spawn, complete the Poweron and Bon Quests and ensure Snon’s quest is finished. Bacomon will appear at Dino after these prerequisites are met.
    • Interaction with Bacomon: Talk to Bacomon and you will need to provide Gandos Toy and Aumon. Completing these tasks will make Bacomon join your team.

3. Key Items for Bacomon Quest

  • Digiwood and Hardwood: Bacomon requires 20 Digiwood and three Hardwood. These items are obtained by sending Snimon on expeditions. Ensure you have these materials before engaging with Bacomon.

This guide covers the essential steps for completing the Bacomon quest in Digital Tamers 2, from initial preparations to interacting with Bacomon. Remember to focus on increasing your Digimon defeated count, complete prerequisite quests, and gather the necessary items. Following these steps will help you navigate through the Bacomon quest efficiently.

Digital Tamers 2Guide
About Jay
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