How to Get Golden Vasilia Laurel from Roblox The Games Event

Golden Vasilia Laurel

The “Golden Vasilia Laurel” was a sought-after item in Roblox’s recent event, The Games. Despite the event ending over a month ago, there has been considerable confusion about how to obtain this elusive item. In this guide, we’ll explore what we know about the Golden Vasilia Laurel, the steps that were taken during the event, and what might have gone wrong in acquiring it.

The Golden Vasilia Laurel is a prestigious item that players were eager to obtain during the event. However, despite the hype and the apparent availability of the item in the Roblox catalog, players faced significant challenges in acquiring it.

  • August 7th: Two new items related to the event were leaked, including the Golden Vasilia Laurel. The same day, a mysterious stone with green particles appeared in the game’s Hub.
  • Subsequent Updates: Over the next few days, the stone in the Hub grew and eventually became a 1x1x1 boss fight. This led many to believe that defeating this boss would grant the coveted Golden Vasilia Laurel.

After the boss fight, players were rewarded with a green crown. The expectation was that players with a special pass could upgrade this crown to its golden version.

  • Outcome: Despite defeating the boss, players only received the green crown. There was no option to transform it into the golden version, leaving many players confused and disappointed.

The Mystery of the Golden Vasilia Laurel and How to Get the Item?

Months after the event concluded, the exact method to obtain the Golden Vasilia Laurel remained unclear. Here’s what we’ve learned:

  1. Description Analysis: The description of the Golden Crown reads, “Your unyielding spirit has triumphed, basking in your laurels.” This cryptic message provided little clarity on how to obtain the item.
  2. Observations from Profiles: Some players noticed that certain Roblox profiles displayed the Golden Crown. Investigation revealed that these players were affiliated with the Twin Atlas Group, the creators of the game’s Hub.

It appears that the Golden Vasilia Laurel was primarily awarded to members of the Twin Atlas Group, who were involved in creating the event. This means that the item was not available to the general player base, contrary to initial expectations. The confusion surrounding the event and the item’s acquisition highlights the challenges of managing in-game events and rewards.

If you’re still keen on obtaining unique items in Roblox events, staying connected with official updates and community forums can provide valuable insights. Unfortunately, for the Golden Vasilia Laurel, it seems that only those directly involved with the event’s creation received this exclusive reward.


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