Sol’s RNG ERA 9 Update New Aura Showcase, Matrix:Overdrive, Aegis and More!

The Era 9 update for Sol’s RNG has introduced 12 brand-new auras, adding a fresh layer of customization and excitement for players. These auras come with varying levels of rarity, from relatively common ones to near-impossible-to-get legendary auras. Understanding the rarity of each aura can help you strategize and decide which ones to chase. Let’s take a look at all the new auras and how rare they are in the game.

All Basic Auras in Sol’s RNG Era 9


The Ash aura is one of the more common auras introduced in this update. Its drop rate is 1 in 2,300, making it a reasonably achievable target for most players.


With a rarity of 1 in 3,000, the Player aura is slightly rarer than Ash but still within reach for those willing to grind.

Lost Soul

Lost Soul sits in the mid-tier of basic auras, with a drop rate of 1 in 9,500. It’s not the easiest to get, but with patience, you can add this to your collection.


Savior is where the real challenge begins, with a staggering drop rate of 1 in 3.2 million. Getting this aura will require a lot of dedication and luck.


The Origin aura is even harder to obtain, with odds of 1 in 6.5 million. It’s one of the more elusive auras in the game.


With a drop rate of 1 in 9 million, Nihility is among the rarest basic auras, making it a prized possession for any player.


The Overseer aura is extremely rare, with odds of 1 in 45 million. This aura is a true testament to a player’s commitment and luck.


Atlas has a mind-blowing rarity of 1 in 360 million, putting it among the hardest auras to obtain in the game.


Aegis takes it a step further, with a rarity of 1 in 825 million, making it one of the most sought-after basic auras in Sol’s RNG.


Apostolos rounds out the basic auras, though its rarity hasn’t been disclosed yet.

Matrix: Overdrive

This special mutation aura is incredibly rare, with a drop rate of 1 in 503 million. It is one of the hardest auras to get in the game, but it offers unique effects that make it worth the grind.


The final aura remains a mystery and is currently unobtainable. It’s likely to be revealed in future updates, adding to the excitement and speculation.

The Era 9 update has introduced a wide range of auras, from relatively common ones like Ash to nearly impossible-to-obtain auras like Aegis and Matrix: Overdrive. Whether you’re aiming for something achievable or want to push your luck for the rarest of the rare, this update has something for everyone. Keep grinding, and who knows—you might be one of the lucky few to unlock these elusive auras!

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