Anime Vanguards Paragon Mode 6 Best Regular Unit or No Mythic Unit Recommendation!

Anime Vanguards Paragon Mode in games often represents the pinnacle of challenge and strategy, pushing players to their limits. For those looking to conquer Paragon Level 25, particularly in the context of Anime Vanguards, it can seem daunting, especially when opting to avoid Mythic units. However, with the right approach and understanding, it’s entirely achievable using only Legendary and Epic units. This guide will walk you through the essential strategies and tips to help you triumph in Paragon Mode without relying on Mythic units.

4 Paragon Mode Anime Vanguard Tips and Tricks Guide

1. Prioritize the Right Modifiers

When engaging in Paragon Mode, selecting the right modifiers can significantly impact your success. Prioritize modifiers that provide regeneration and increase your chances of obtaining additional tries. These modifiers are crucial as they enhance your survivability and give you more opportunities to perfect your strategy. If neither regeneration nor tries modifiers are available, consider opting for shield-related modifiers to provide additional protection during battles.

2. Adjust Your Approach Based on Available Modifiers

At times, you might encounter a situation where regeneration and tries modifiers are not available. In such cases, focus on the other available modifiers like shield enhancements or those that strengthen your units. This flexibility allows you to adapt your strategy according to the given conditions, which is essential for overcoming the challenges posed by Paragon Level 25.

3. Utilize Your Units Effectively

Since you’re limiting yourself to Legendary and Epic units, it’s important to make the most out of them. Each unit has specific strengths and abilities that can be leveraged strategically. Ensure that your lineup is well-balanced, with a mix of offensive and defensive capabilities. Pay attention to unit synergies and how they can complement each other to maximize their effectiveness in battle.

4. Adapt to Challenges and Bugs

In some instances, you may encounter bugs or issues with certain levels or villages, such as the S Village, which may be problematic. In such scenarios, it is advisable to skip these levels and focus on others that are more stable and offer better rewards. Being adaptable and responsive to these challenges can help streamline your path to success.

Unit Recommendation for Paragon Mode Anime Vanguards

Begin by placing the Spirit Wagon and upgrading it to enhance your gold generation. Once you have a steady flow of gold, deploy Roku as your primary damage dealer and invest in upgrading him to Dark Roku for the Dark Nova ability. Next, add Alligator or Crocodile to handle debuffing and crowd control, and pair them with Agony for optimal results.

Deploy Gon when you have extra gold to ensure that remaining enemies are efficiently eliminated. Lastly, use Kakashi to bolster your defenses and manage your gold reserves effectively. This combination of units and strategic deployment will enable you to tackle Paragon Level 25 with greater ease and effectiveness.

1. Roku

Roku should be your primary damage dealer. As a versatile unit, Roku excels in dealing high amounts of damage to enemies. Upgrading Roku to Dark Roku is crucial, as it grants the Dark Nova ability, which delivers massive damage and helps clear waves of enemies effectively.

2. Gon

Gon is a powerful unit that can finish off remaining enemies with efficiency. Deploy Gon when you have sufficient gold to take advantage of his strong offensive capabilities. His role is to mop up enemies that are left after your initial waves of attacks, ensuring no enemy is left standing.

3. Alligator or Crocodile

For debuffing and crowd control, Alligator or Crocodile are indispensable. These units provide essential debuffs that slow down enemy progress, making them easier targets for your other units. Pairing Alligator with Agony can enhance your overall damage output by creating a synergistic effect that maximizes the impact of your attacks.

4. Spirit Wagon

The Spirit Wagon is crucial for generating gold and supporting your economy. Place the Spirit Wagon early and upgrade it to increase your gold intake. This upgrade will provide you with the financial resources needed to deploy and upgrade other key units.

5. Agony or Pain

For knockback effects, Agony or Pain should be part of your strategy. These units are effective at disrupting enemy formations and providing crowd control. Agony, in particular, can be paired with Crocodile to amplify its slowing effect and improve your defensive capabilities.

6. Kakashi

Kakashi is a cost-effective unit that contributes to your defense without requiring a substantial amount of gold. Deploy Kakashi to support your defense and provide additional utility, especially if you need to save gold for other units or upgrades.

Video Guide Showcasing Paragon Mode without Using Mythic Unit:

Beating Paragon Level 25 without Mythic units requires a strategic approach and adaptability. By focusing on the right modifiers, effectively utilizing your available units, and being prepared to adjust your strategy based on in-game conditions, you can successfully navigate through this challenging mode. Remember, persistence and strategic planning are key to overcoming these high-level challenges. With these tips, you’re well on your way to mastering Paragon Mode and achieving those coveted rewards

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