By Jay / / Games News

If you’re new to Guts & Blackpowder and feeling overwhelmed by zombies or struggling to earn Franks, you’ve come to the right place. This beginner’s guide will cover everything you need to get started, from essential settings and maps to class selection and zombie strategies. Whether you’re getting swarmed by shamblers or aiming for high-level play, these tips will help you navigate the game with ease.

Guts & Blackpowder All Beginner Guide

Game Settings and Visual Adjustments

To improve your gameplay experience, adjust your settings to enhance visibility. I recommend toggling between first and third-person views based on your surroundings. Third-person view is excellent for open areas, giving you a broader perspective, while first-person view can make navigating tighter spaces more challenging. Additionally, tweak your brightness settings if you find the maps too dark. If visibility issues persist, lower your graphics settings in Roblox to reduce shadows and brighten the map.

Best Maps for Earning Franks

For quick and efficient Franks, focus on completing the following campaign maps:

  • Vardohus Fortress: This map is advantageous because it lacks runners, making it simpler to handle.
  • San Sebastian: Known for its ease, this map is straightforward and quick to complete.

While other maps can be decent, these two are your best bets for fast progress. In endless maps, you can often AFK in a corner while your team handles the action, though avoid Bernia despite its high Franks reward, as it’s less beginner-friendly.

Choosing the Right Class

There are seven classes in Guts & Blackpowder, each offering unique abilities:

  • Line Infantry: Balanced and self-sustainable, this class is great for both ranged and melee combat.
  • Officer: Supports the team with a pistol and saber, ideal for players who excel in dealing damage and crowd control.
  • Cannon Man: Suitable for solo players who enjoy heavy firepower but face slower reload times.
  • Musician: A support class that enhances reload rates and damage output through rhythm-based mechanics.
  • Zapper: Focuses on defense and creating barricades, making it most effective in endless maps.
  • Surgeon: Primarily a healer with minimal offensive capabilities, perfect for players who prefer a support role.
  • Priest: Offers utility with a weak weapon and the ability to stun zombies, useful for high-risk situations.

Zombie Variants and Combat Strategies

Understanding zombie types is crucial for survival:

  • Shambler: The most basic zombie, easy to defeat with any weapon. Keep your distance and use ranged attacks when facing hordes.
  • Runner: Dangerous due to its speed. Use weapons with high damage or employ a hit-and-run strategy to handle it effectively.
  • Barrel: Simple to deal with by shooting from afar or luring it into traps.
  • Zapper: High HP and slow-moving. Use ranged weapons and exploit its slow attack recovery to defeat it.
  • Igniter: Throws fire that creates hazardous areas. Move out of the fire’s radius to avoid burning.

By following these tips and understanding the game mechanics, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Guts & Blackpowder. Whether you’re aiming for high Franks or seeking to improve your survival skills, these strategies will set you on the path to success.

GuideGuts & Blackpowder
About Jay
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