Jujutsu Shenanigans Guide, How to Counter All Characters

Jujutsu Shenanigans

If you’ve been playing Jujutsu Shenanigans for a while, you may have noticed that some characters are particularly difficult to handle. Whether it’s Megumi’s spammy moves or Itadori’s long combo chains, dealing with these characters can be frustrating. While mastering the game often comes down to skill, learning effective counters for each character can give you an edge. Here’s a guide on how to counter the strongest characters in Jujutsu Shenanigans, so you can improve your gameplay and take on even the toughest opponents.

Jujutsu Shenanigans Guide Counter All Characters

1. Countering Gojo

Gojo is known for his devastating combos, especially those that trap opponents on the ground. The key to countering Gojo is mastering the use of your evasive dash. This special dash, linked to a hidden cooldown, allows you to escape from combos while ragdolled. The trick is to time it correctly—don’t waste it early. Wait for Gojo to initiate a move, then dash to escape. One of the best moments to use the dash is after his rapid punches. Dashing into Gojo after this move can turn the tables and allow you to start your own combo.

It’s also important to avoid using the evasive dash after Gojo’s Lapse Blue, as his kick will still land, putting you back in a ragdoll state. When Gojo is in his Awakening, stay close to him. His Max Blue move is less effective at close range, and you can also cancel his Hollow Purple if you get in tight enough.

Characters like Hakari and Itadori have a natural advantage against Gojo because they excel in close combat. Megumi can cancel Gojo’s abilities, but his low health makes him vulnerable to Gojo’s combos, so he’s not as reliable in prolonged fights.

2. Countering Itadori

Itadori’s kit is less complicated, but the fight comes down to timing and blocking. Since version 1.31, his base Cursed Strikes no longer hit on wakeup, making him easier to defend against. You should focus on blocking his Aerial Crushing Blow and using evasive maneuvers to counter his attacks. After Black Flash, dash to the side to avoid his follow-up combos.

When fighting against Sukuna, a form of Itadori, resist the urge to trade hits. Sukuna often uses ranged attacks followed by Dismantle, so keep blocking to prevent getting caught. Characters with fast dashes or evasive moves like Gojo, Itadori, and Hakari are particularly effective at dodging Sukuna’s abilities.

3. Countering Hakari

Hakari is a highly competitive character with strong, close-range moves. To counter him, stay alert for his medium-range shutter attacks and try to block at the right moments. During his domain, it’s best to overwhelm him with multiple players or use counters if available.

In Jackpot mode, aim to cancel as many of his moves as possible to minimize his damage output. If you don’t have a counter, try wall-jumping or using environmental cover to avoid his attacks.

4. Countering Megumi

Megumi’s main weakness is his low health, making him vulnerable to long combo chains. His Rabbit Escape move doesn’t stop you from attacking, so you can punish him during the animation. For his other abilities, like Toad, dashing sideways is often enough to avoid damage. Megumi is also particularly weak to characters like Itadori and Hakari, who can pressure him up close and prevent him from using his ranged attacks effectively.

5 Facing Mahoraga

Mahoraga’s large health pool makes him a target for team play. If you can’t beat him solo, team up to drain his ritual bar, which takes about 18 seconds to deplete. Gojo and Mjo are particularly effective against Mahoraga due to their long combo chains and ability to stall out his ritual bar. Keep an eye on his World Slash attack, which is blockable for the first few swings but can break your defense in the final strikes.

6. Countering Mahito

Mahito is arguably the toughest to counter due to his versatile moveset. Your best bet is to keep your distance and bait out his moves like Soulfire. Characters like Itadori and Mjo can counter Mahito’s domain abilities, but in most cases, playing defensively and running out the clock is the safest option.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each character in Jujutsu Shenanigans is essential for winning battles. From timing your evasive dash against Gojo to playing at range against Mahito, learning these counters can help you gain the upper hand in matches. Every character has its counters, and with practice, you can take on any opponent with confidence.

Jay: A Content Creator for Roonby.com Contact me on Jason@roonby.com

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