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In Digital Tamers 2, recruiting specific Digimon like Chikurimon, Black Tailmon, and Burgamon is essential for expanding your roster and enhancing your gameplay. Each of these Digimon has unique requirements and locations for recruitment. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough to help you unlock these Digimon efficiently.

Digital Tamers 2 Guide Unlocking Chikurimon

Chikurimon, known for its distinctive appearance and abilities, can be recruited through a specific interaction involving an item.

  1. Craft a Regular Torch: To recruit Chikurimon, you need to have a Regular Torch. Craft this item by sending Snon on an expedition or by collecting materials in Magma Mountain. Once you have the torch, equip it in your inventory.
  2. Travel to Co Mine: Go to the Chrome Mine location, where Chikurimon will spawn. Ensure you have the Regular Torch equipped to trigger Chikurimon’s appearance.
  3. Interact with Chikurimon: Once in Chrome Mine with the Regular Torch equipped, find Chikurimon and interact with it to recruit. This interaction is crucial, as Chikurimon only spawns when the torch is active.

Upon recruiting Chikurimon, it will join Server City and contribute with its unique skills and abilities, enhancing your team’s capabilities.

Digital Tamers 2 Guide Unlocking Black Tailmon

Black Tailmon is a Digimon that requires completing a specific challenge before it becomes available for recruitment.

  1. Complete the Dark Subspecies Challenge: To unlock Black Tailmon, you must first complete the Black Subspecies challenge. This challenge involves battling and defeating the designated Black Digimon. Ensure your team is well-prepared for this challenge to secure a win.
  2. Go to Bridge Valley: After completing the challenge, head to Bridge Valley. Black Tailmon will appear in this area once the challenge is finished.
  3. Interact with Black Tailmon: Locate Black Tailmon in Bridge Valley and initiate the recruitment process. Engaging with Black Tailmon after completing the challenge will allow you to add it to your roster.

Once recruited, Black Tailmon will join Server City and offer Black Digitron, adding valuable attributes to your Digimon collection.

Digital Tamers 2 Guide Unlocking Burgamon

Burgamon is unlocked by obtaining and using a specific item, which involves crafting and collecting resources.

  1. Obtain Squeeze Onion Juice: To recruit Burgamon, you need to give it Squeeze Onion Juice. This item is crafted from Sewer Road on the Pudle and the Water on the Oasis by using Meramon Service.
  2. Travel to Server City: After crafting the Squeeze Onion Juice, go to Server City where Burgamon will appear.
  3. Interact with Burgamon: Find Burgamon in Server City and use the Squeeze Onion Juice to initiate the recruitment. This interaction will allow you to add Burgamon to your team.

Burgamon’s addition to your roster will enhance your gameplay with its unique skills and contributions to Server City.

Unlocking Chikurimon, Black Tailmon, and Burgamon in Digital Tamers 2 involves specific steps and requirements. Chikurimon requires a crafted Regular Torch and can be found in Chrome Mine, Black Tailmon is unlocked by completing the dark Subspecies challenge and appears in Bridge Valley, and Burgamon is recruited by giving Squeeze Onion Juice. Following these detailed steps will help you efficiently recruit these valuable Digimon and enrich your gameplay experience. For further updates and guides, stay engaged with community resources and official game announcements.

Digital Tamers 2
About Jay
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