Anime Vanguards Guide How to Solo the New Raid Act 4 Without Any Mythics

Anime Vanguards

In the latest update of Anime Vanguards, Act 4 of the raid brings new challenges, but you can still tackle it solo without relying on mythic units. This guide will provide you with a strategic approach to successfully complete the raid using legendary and epic units, ensuring a fulfilling gameplay experience.

Best Unit Non Mythic Unit in Anime Vanguards

To effectively solo the raid, you’ll need a well-thought-out team composition. Here are the key units you should focus on:

  1. Farm Unit: Takaro
    Takaro serves as a replacement for Spirit Wagon, providing essential income. This unit generates the same money gain as Spirit Wagon, making it a vital part of your early game strategy. Deploy Takaro early to build up resources as you progress through the waves.
  2. Bean
    This unit, originating from “Chainsaw Man,” is crucial for dealing with enemies that regenerate health. His bleed damage will help counteract the healing abilities of tougher foes, making him indispensable for this raid.
  3. Support: Sakura
    Sakura is equipped with a new ability called “Cleanse,” which removes debuffs that can incapacitate your units. Her ability is essential for maintaining your team’s effectiveness, particularly against the raid boss that disables your units.
  4. DPS: Goku Black and Kizaru
    These units provide the damage output needed to take down waves and bosses efficiently. Goku Black is particularly effective when positioned correctly to maximize his range and damage.

Raid Strategy Guide – Anime Vanguards

Early Game: Establish Your Economy

  • Deploy Takaro: Start by placing your farm unit, Takaro, in a safe spot where he can generate money without interference. Focus on upgrading him initially to boost your income.
  • Keep Farming: Continue to deploy and upgrade your farm units until around wave 15, when you’ll need to start preparing for incoming enemies.

Mid Game: Set Up Your Defense

  • Position Your DPS Units: As enemies approach, start placing Goku Black and Kizu in strategic locations. Goku Black should be placed to cover lanes effectively, while Kizu can act as additional DPS.
  • Deploy the Bleed Unit: Place the Shark Dude to deal bleed damage to enemies. His positioning should allow him to hit multiple targets, especially those with regeneration abilities.
  • Utilize Sakura: Position Sakura centrally among your DPS units. Upgrade her to unlock the Cleanse ability, which is crucial for countering the boss’s debuffs.

Late Game: Boss Fight

  • Prepare for Boss Waves: As the boss approaches, make sure all your units are upgraded. The boss will spawn mini-bosses (Demon Father and Demon Mother), which have high HP but are not overly threatening.
  • Utilize Cleanse Effectively: During the boss encounter, monitor the status of your units. Use Sakura’s Cleanse ability as soon as debuffs are applied to ensure your units remain active.
  • Focus Fire on the Boss: Concentrate your attacks on the boss while ensuring that your bleed unit continues to affect the mini-bosses.

Video Guide Showcasing the Guide

Soloing the new Raid Act 4 in Anime Vanguards without mythic units is entirely feasible with the right strategy and unit composition. By focusing on effective farming, utilizing bleed and support units, and positioning your DPS strategically, you can overcome the challenges this raid presents. With practice and the right approach, you’ll not only complete the raid but also enjoy a rewarding gameplay experience. Happy raiding!

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